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人类不可能飞上月球。Humans can't?y to the moon.

他的传记上月出版了。His biography appeared last month.

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他上月创办一家新商行。He began a new business last month.

他上月航行到纽约。He passaged to New York last month.

他们的婚姻关系上月破裂了。Their marriage broke up last month.

孙燕姿上月录制了一张新专辑。Sun Yanzi cut a new album last month.

但你上月才买过润肤乳。But you've just bought one last month.

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先生上月买了一栋有七个房间的房子。Mr. A bought a seven-room house last month.

事实上,上月平均工资实际上出现下降。In fact, average wages actually fell last month.

上月她在巴黎被拍到头戴一顶宽檐软呢帽。She was spotted in Paris wearing one last month.

美国退出登月计划让中国瞄上月球。US lunar pull-out leaves China shooting for moon.

哈洛上月责备了劳丽一顿。Harlow gave Laurie a piece of his mind last month.

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上月,麦凯恩在阿尔布开克的一次集会上问道。McCain asked at a rally in Albuquerque last month.

他们已超过上月生产记录。They have bettered last month's production record.

润肤乳?但你上月才买过润肤乳。Moisturizer? But you've just bought one last month.

上月通货膨胀率开始增长。The inflation rates began to accelerate last month.

扎伊迪于上月在看守所度过了他30岁的生日。Al-Zaidi marked his 30th birthday in jail last month.

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牛津上月的平均气温是18摄氏度。The average temperature in Oxford last month was 18C.

自上月起,工作质量已下降了。The quality of work has dropped off since last month.

上月布郎先生对500吨花生提出询价。Mr. Brown inquired for 500 tons of peanuts last month.