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但是光线,欢声,气流随处都是,比例和谐舒服。But light, cheer, air, and comfortable proportions are everyplace.

耳畔时时飞进欢声徜徜,悄声呢呢清笑朗朗。The ears often fly into laughter was about, whispered. It clear laughter ringing.

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开罗报道——首先爆发出震耳欲聋的欢声,很快回声在穆斯林礼拜堂嗡嗡作响。Reporting from Cairo — First a deafening cheer erupted and echoed to the minarets.

在瑞典步斯堪的纳维亚老乡——丹麦人之后尘投了反对票以后,反对欧元的阵营欢声一片。Jubilation in the" No" camp as Swedes join fellow Scandinavians, the Danes, to vote against.

感谢你们在我们的童年里撒下欢声和笑语,每时每刻都为我们着想。Thanks you to scatter the cheers and the joke in ours childhood, all considers every time for us.

那时,他的长子正在田地里,当他回来快到家的时候,听见有奏乐及歌舞的欢声。Now his elder son was in the field, and when he came and drew nigh to the house, he heard music and dancing.

来到这,溪流为你开路,泉水给您加油,瀑布带来欢声,鸟鸣平填乐趣。Come to this, the river open for you, spring to your fuel, waterfalls brought cheers, bird fun filled levels.

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许多人来看演出。流行歌星的歌迷们也欢声四起,所以我必须大声说话。A lot of people came to watch the show. The fans of the pop stars were making a lot of noise, so I had to speak loudly.

我要在记忆中唤起那清脆的笑语欢声,刻画在她那双温柔的蓝眼睛里闪动着的同情的泪花。I would recall the tones of that clear laugh, and conjure up the sympathising tear that glistened in the soft blue eye.

草叶竞相生长,微微拂动,发出轻柔的欢声,宛如初恋少女的叹息。The grass blades, brushing with the movements of their growth, made joyous gentle sounds, like the sighs of a maiden in love.

三月的北京,春寒料峭,北京钓鱼台大酒店一楼会议厅却春意融融,笑语欢声。Slight spring chill in March in Beijing, on the first floor conference of Diaoyutai Hotel is in wakening of spring and full of fun.

半个多小时的时间在不知不觉中过去了,欢声与笑语汇成一片,传递出总理与非洲人民浓浓的情谊。More than half an hour passed unknowingly. Cheers and laughter in the room embodied Premier Wen's deep friendship with the African people.

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他站在河边,听着孩子们的欢声和河水的音响,脸上身上都被浪花水珠溅湿了。He stood by the river and listened to their happy cries and the sound of the water, while his face and body were wet by the flying drops of water.

清风明月伴我行,兴尽而返,一路欢声,和大山道别,我们六月再来相见!Clear moon and gentle breeze are around us, we sing, we dance, we celebrate, saying goodbye to mountain which left without rubbish, see you in June.

当广播员预测日本民主党击败自民党、取得压倒性胜利时,民主党各候选人的总部内欢声四起。Cheers of delight went up at the headquarters of candidates for the Democratic Party of Japan, as broadcasters predicted a landslide victory over the Liberal Democratic Party.