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蓝衬衫与灰领带很谐调。The blue shirt and gray tie are a good match.

谐调其实可以是一种更具特殊意味的美。Gibraltar could mean the U. S. is a more special.

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加压凝固过程的谐调方程。Pressed Solidification Process Equation of Compatibility.

大环境色系上既有对比又保持谐调。Environment on both color and contrast to maintain harmony.

小提琴拉得与其他乐器不谐调。The violin was out of harmony with the rest of the instruments.

他的气质与慢而单调的生活节奏不谐调。His temperament does not harmonize with a slow , even pace of life.

小提琴和钢琴很谐调,合奏起来很好听。The violin and the piano were in harmony and sounded well together.

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中性色如褐色和白色跟其他颜色都很谐调。Neutral colors like tan and white are great, with some color tossed in.

幸存下来的神经回路已经部分与外面的世界谐调。The circuits that survived were already partly tuned to the world beyond.

一群会讲普通话的女店员带着色彩谐调的围巾在柜台招呼客人。A corps of Mandarin-speaking salesgirls, in matching neckerchiefs, worked the counters.

因此这两个级别的森林管理指标必须互相谐调,以有助确保在全国范围内具有互补性。Thus, they must be mutually compatible to help ensure complementarity over the country.

分别计算出了谐调和失谐情况下的模态振型,并对计算结果进行分析讨论。The mode shapes of the tuned and the mistuned are calculated and the results are analysed.

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然而随着城市的发展,周边的环境与上海音乐厅越来越不谐调。As the development of cities, the surround environment isn't in harmony with the Shanghai odium.

运用谐调处理和空间频率处理技术实施影像细节的调节。The detail of images was adjusted by gradation processing and spatial frequency processing technique.

在花色功能一个微妙的花卉图案的谐调与分立的方式浴室设计。The décors feature a subtle floral motif that harmonises with the bathroom design in a discrete manner.

如果还没能适应和调整好这种改变,你们可能已经对彼此的合适度和谐调性大失所望了。If you have not been able to adjust to those changes, you are probably very disillusioned about your compatibility.

分析温差变化、外部激励、谐调值、阻尼等对系统的影响。Numerical analysis on the influence of temperature, excitation, detuning , and damping on the system is carried out.

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比起退货,人们往往积极的购买补足物以使得这件商品更加谐调。Rather than returning the item, we actively seek ways to make the item fit, often by making complementary purchases.

感官评定结果表明,此条件下所产酒的风格突出、口感较好、诸味谐调。Sensory evaluation results suggested the produced liquor had good taste and harmonious styles under such conditions.

加福尼亚的葡萄酒能与亚洲的食物很好地配合,与中国菜更有一种天生的谐调性。California wines are lovely matches with Asian cuisine and have demonstrated a natural affinity to pair well with Chinese food.