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我不能带她的茶水了!I can not strip her panty off!

她的爱亦如茶水一般,淡淡的,清清的。Her love is like tea, light, empty.

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用块布把洒了的茶水吸干。Soak the spilt tea up with a cloth.

品茶,逐一品赏各杯茶水。Sip the four cups of tea one by one.

这位服务员马上就给他端来了上杯茶水。The waiter soon brought him a cup of tea.

一些茶水晃到了茶托上。Some tea had slopped over into the saucer.

康妮︰茶水间的门砰一声关上了。Connie︰The break room door just slammed shut!

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这和你冲进茶水中的蜂蜜并不相同。This isn’t the same honey you put in your tea.

没问题,对茶水小子来说没有什么是小事。No problem. No task is too small for the Waterboy.

金姐在门口端着茶水,不知如何是好。Ginger is at the door with the tea, I do not know what to do.

她又添茶,并斜眼望着茶水从壶嘴往杯子里淌。She poured more tea into her cup, watching its flow sideways.

新沏的茶水喝起来却仍旧厚重滞涩。The tea, though freshly brewed, still tastes thick and stale.

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乔伊斯的一天小康提醒曾经持续向本地粮食茶水。Joyce's day-off tips have gone straight to the local food pantry.

对面的厨房是没有餐桌椅,但头部和茶水。Opposite the galley there is no dinette, but a head and a pantry.

胶布眼镜男坐在身后盯着我,把手放在饭桌上,桌子上并没有三明治或者茶水。Tape-Glasses stared back at me. He sat with his arms on the table.

所以,每─杯茶水,每─支香烟都像是─个小小旳庆祝。So, every cup of tea, every cigarette is like a little celebration.

当禅师安静地准备茶水时,学者滔滔不绝地谈着禅。While the master quietly served tea, the professor talked about Zen.

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如果正当机器人在服务热汤或是茶水的时候恰好瘫痪,怎么办?What if the robot breaks down right as it is serving hot soup or tea?

他还预料到在炎热的夏日午后老夫妇为他准备的冰镇柠檬或者茶水。He anticipated their offers of cold lemonade or tea on hot afternoons.

波利,做壶水。我们都有茶水喝。苏克,把水壶拿走了。Polly, put the kettle on. We'll all have tea. Sukey, take it off again.