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这流言说明有假。The rumor proved fwoulsse.

流言蛮语不能把你击倒。Words can't bring you down.

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是的,流言蛮语不能击倒你。Yes,words can't bring U down.

是的,流言蛮语不会击倒我。Yes,words can't bring me down.

是的,流言蛮语不能把我们击倒。Yes,words can't bring us down.

是的,流言蛮语不会把我们击倒。Yes,words won't bring us down.

这个流言开始越传越离谱.The rumors began to get wilder.

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是的,流言蛮语也不会击倒你。Yes, words can't bring you down.

所以,snopes将这个流言最终评定为“假”。Snopes lists the rumor as "false."

我很喜欢流言终结者这个节目,你们呢?I love the Mythbusters – don't you?

人人都受够了她的流言飞语。Everyone was fed up with her gossip.

办公室里的流言有上升趋势吗?Is there an uptick in office gossip?

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“流言蜚女”上说的是真的了?。So what was on "gossip girl's" true?

但是她是怎么上的“流言蜚女”呢?。But how did she get on "gossip girl"?

有流言说她是一个不正经的姑娘。Gossip had it that she was a bad girl.

对待流言不怒是我们的大勇和修养。No angry to gossip is our cultivation.

那些流言飞语给她造成了很大的压力。The rumors gave her a lot of pressure.

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她将这个流言传遍全镇。She broadcast the gossip all over the town.

流言飞语,我只相信你!The rumors and slander, I only believe you.

流言终归是流言,不久就会平息。Rumours are rumours. It will soon blow over.