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企业家不要扮成预言家装神弄鬼。Don't predict the future, create it!

什么人在那装神弄鬼?What person pack absolute being to play tricks over there?

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他们穿着白袍披床单,装神弄鬼的,甚至还把床单罩在马上,骑着到处跑。They 'd even put bed sheets on their horses and ride around.

在这些孩子的心目中,“不给糖,就捣蛋”的这一天,是他们可以在学校“装神弄鬼”的好日子。In the minds of these children, "trick or treat" on this day would be spooky in school.

在装神弄鬼和有组织犯罪的表象之下是一门生意,一门困难重重的生意。Well, strip away the mystique and organised crime is a business – one with big handicaps.

方士只会画符念咒、装神弄鬼,怎么会真能治病呢?He thought carefully about the necromancer, "They just draw magic figures and intoned chant."

此时石柔又装神弄鬼向他索取「鱼跃龙门」食谱,结果被一山识破。This stone soft and demanded "Zhuangshennonggui out" recipe, the result was a mountain to see through.

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方士只会画符念咒、装神弄鬼,怎么会真能治病呢?He thought carefully about the necromancer, "They just draw magic figures and intoned chant. How can they treat disease?"

这种习惯渐渐演变为今天大家所熟知的万圣节,现在父母们会鼓励自家小鬼们去邻居家装神弄鬼。The practices have morph ed into Halloween as it is known today, with parents encouraging their own little ghosts and goblins to haunt the neighborhood.

最喜欢装神弄鬼的就是狮子座,这么做却完全只是为了达到自娱娱人的效果。Liking most to pack what absolute being play tricks is Leo, doing so but complete just for attaining to amuse oneself the result for making people happy.

这种习惯渐渐演变为今天大家所熟知的万圣节,现在父母们会鼓励自家小鬼们去邻居家装神弄鬼。The practices have morphed into Halloween as it is understood today, with parents hortative their possess little ghosts and goblins to area the neighborhood.