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耸立在刮风的天空下。Stark in a windy sky.

外面在刮风。Wind is blowing outside.

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它温暖如春,只是有时会刮风。But it is really warm like spring.

在刮风的天气里出去划船是件很刺激的事。It's exciting to go sailing in windy days.

“哦,好的,”老人说,“马上要下雨了,还会刮风。"Oh yes," he said. "Rain is coming and wind.

但是这也是多风的地区,经常刮风。But this is also a country of wind, lots of it.

只要一刮风,所有的窗户就吱吱地响。When the wind blows up, all the windows rattle.

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人们问道,为什么会刮风,为什么叶子会落下来。He questioned why the wind blew and the leaves fell.

到那的唯一通道是一条尘土飞扬、经常刮风的土路。The only way to it is down a dusty, windy dirt road.

只要一刮风,所有的窗户都吱吱地响。E. g. When the wind blows up, all the windows rattle.

据说今天下午要转阴刮风了。It's supposed to get cloudy and windy again this afternoon.

刮风时,我们能听见树上的叶子发出飒飒的声音。As the wind blows we can hear the leaves rustle in the trees.

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但是,听说今天下午又要转阴刮风了。But it's supposed to get cloudy and windy again this afternoon.

在刮风的天气里,当地人开玩笑说,你能闻到烤羊肉串的气味。On windy days, the locals joked, you could smell the shish kebab.

她听到了刮风和雨点打在窗子上的声音。She heard the wind blowing and the rain pattering against the windows.

今天刮风,要摆渡到对岸不容易。It is windy today,so it would be difficult to put the ferry boat across.

遇到下雨刮风的话,可能会需要长袖单衣。Windy encounter rain, he will probably need long-sleeved unlined garment.

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席凡宁根,一个刮风天气一名男子和他的狗沿着海滩散步,荷兰。A man walks his dog along a beach on a windy day in Scheveningen, Netherlands.

月光灰白,将有雨来,月光泛红,将要刮风,月光银白,无雨无雪。Pale moon does rain, red moon does blow, white moon does neither rain nor snow.

外面又冷还刮风,是时候坐在火堆旁上上网了,一直上网到明年吧。It's cold and windy outside, time to sit by the fire and internet until next year.