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新疆,一少年与嫌犯重名被押212天公检法均未发现冤情。Boy's name put him in custody for 212 days.

适用于银行、税务、金融、公检法、组织部等机构存放文档资料。For file materials as of bank, taxes authority, financial, public security, inspector, court and organization departments.

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在当今中国,公检法已成为人民群众心目中仅次于建设工程领域的第二大腐败重地。Nowadays, the degree of corruption in judicial organ has been serious next to construction field in Chinese people's heart.

在我国,一些地方的公检法部门也相继开始践行修复性司法,希望探索出一条本土特色的修复性司法之路。Also in our country the judicial and public security organs departments have started to explore our own restorative juridical patterns.

我为什么要大家跟公检法机关那些人品好的人交朋友呢?Why did I request you to make friends with those people with good quality in public security organs, procuratorial organs and people's courts?

在现代的司法实践中,要进一步提高诉讼效率,就要求公检法机关能够良好地贯彻刑事活动的及时性原则。In modern judicial practice, to further improve the efficiency, justice organizations can be a good time to implement the principle of criminal activity.

公司的用户范围有银行系统、企业、机关、工厂、商场、住宅小区、餐饮业、大型娱乐中心、公检法、停车场、教育业等。Our customer scope includes banking system, enterprises, governments, plants, shopping malls, residential communities, catering industry, entertainment centers, police.

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警方严查追问,宋鹏飞的“搭档”赵文刚供称“这笔钱是被马克东给骗走的,当时马克东号称跟公检法关系好,可以帮忙摆平一个案子”。Police prosecute the questioning, Abdullah's "partner" for Diaowengang said, "This money is to mark East cheated, when Mark called to sit East relations, can help settle a case.

在刑事诉讼中,作为国家专门机关的公检法所拥有的权力与作为当事人的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人所享有的权利经常处于失衡的状态。In criminal suits, the power that law-enforcing departments have as our country's specialized organs and the right that suspects and defendants have as parties are always in imbalance.

涉税案件的移送是连接税务行政执法活动与刑事司法活动的纽带,也是近年来税务机关与公检法机关协作的重要内容。The deportation of tax cases is a link between administration enforcement and criminal justice, and it also plays a key role in the cooperation between tax authorities and judicial organs.

除了政府部门以外,部队、公检法、水利、石油、电信通讯、广播电视和企业用户也都开始广泛应用视频会议系统。Apart from government departments, units, public security, water, oil, telecommunications, television broadcasting and business users are beginning to the wider use of video conferencing systems.

在我国,刑事司法职权的合理配置涉及对公检法三机关及其司法机构内部关系的调整,这种调整是司法体制改革的重要组成部分。In China, the reasonable allocation of criminal judicial power means to adjust the inner relations of public security, the procuratorate and courts, and it means a part of judicial system reform.

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公检法三机关互相关系原则是我国宪法层面的刑事诉讼基本原则,在刑事诉讼实践中的作用不可低估。The principle of the relations between police, procuratorate and court plays an important role in practice since it is a basic principle of criminal litigation at the level of China's constitution.

自从1998年我国公检法等行业推行首问责任制以来,这些行业的服务质量得到很大程度的提高。The asking system of job responsibility has been introducing in procuratorial organs and people's courts of our country since 1998, service qualities in these professions have been increased greatly.