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我就是这么倒霉。This is my luck.

但事实上,倒霉的就是你。But, in fact, it's you.

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我是个倒霉蛋。I’m just an unlucky guy.

但是,它是我们家的倒霉山猫!But it's OUR jinxed lynx!

倒霉的银行不止这一家This wasn't the only one.

今天真是我的倒霉日。Today is not my lucky day.

这些天我倒霉透了。I am out of luck these days.

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中东的某个倒霉蛋。Somebody in the middle east.

走好运与倒霉交替发生。Good times alternate with bad.

真倒霉,我没赶上飞机!Bugger it! I've missed my plane!

我在这儿可是有灰常灰常倒霉的时候。Wh-What are you, Eliot Ness now?

天哪!我到底做了什么?真倒霉!Boy! What have I done? What luck!

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我把你的文件丢了,纯粹是碰上倒霉事了。I lost your file by pure mischance.

我从来未遇到过这样倒霉的事。I never seen sich dirty luck, not I.

瞧小冰箱容声冰箱漏水,我今天很倒霉,朋友。Look I'm having a bad day, okay pal?

第一个被杀的倒霉蛋是?The first one to be killed was No. ?

谁在乎他是个倒霉的破产者啊?Who cares if he is a damn bankrupt ?

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来日诰日是我倒霉的一天。Yesterday was an unlucky day for me.

昨晚他遇到可一件倒霉事。A bad thing happened to him last night.

她开始愤愤地叙说自己的倒霉事。She began to rage against her bad luck.