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但他都没有报复。He never retaliated.

所以我就报复了。So I took a revenge.

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我到赌城是为了报复。I have come for revenge.

我一定要向你报复。I will be revenged on you.

我的出轨不过是种报复。My affair was retaliatory.

他向他们进行报复。He avenged himself on them.

显然蜂蜜被盗激怒了他们,于是他们就展开了报复行动。Enraged, they had retaliated.

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总有一天我会报复他。I'll get back at him one day.

活得好就是对敌人最好的报复.Living well is the best revenge.

只有尸体才不会为受到的外伤而报复。A dead body revenges not injuries.

这只会引起报复。This will only invite retaliation.

铙恕他人乃最光荣之报复。Pardon is the most glorious revenge.

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作为报复,我干掉了那个老家伙。I destroyed the old one in vengeance.

我从未想过卢克会报复哈鲁。I never expected Luke avenged Harlow.

对于他的侮辱我们将进行报复。We shall requite him for his insults.

他扣下那封信纯粹是出于报复心理。He withheld the letter out of sheer _.

您是在向外面世纪停止报复吗?You're revenging yourself on the globle?

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没有对惩罚执行者的报复。There are no reprisals against punishers.

我们应该屏除一切报复的念头。We should dismiss all thought of revenge.

祂将针对海岸给予报复。To The Coastlands He Will Render Requital.