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那你对我们的乡村有什么想法?What do you think of ours?

乡村路带我回家。Country road, take me home.

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乡村路带我回家。Take me home country roads.

这是一所乡村学校This is the village school.

乡村路,带我回家。Country roads, take me home.

乡村客栈一个阴雨的星期天!A wet Sunday in a country inn!

我们目前过着乡村隐居生活。We are now in rural seclusion.

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乡村之路,带我回家。Eg. Country road, take me home.

张诚来自小乡村。Zhang Cheng from small village.

好主意,我喜欢乡村风格的。Good idea. I like a rustic style.

清凉的天空和微风让温度值降到了个位数,使得很多乡村地区出现了霜.of grand frost in some rural areas.

他们在坎坷不平的乡村小路上走着。They walk on the rugged country road.

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然后哼着忧伤的乡村歌曲离开她们去远向方。With the words of a sad country song.

这是乡村野趣吗?Woman Is the countryside interesting?

我看到隐映在树林中的乡村别墅。I saw a cottage nestling in the woods.

在开阳我上了乡村公路。In Kaiyang, I entered the county road.

Nick和Veronica开门走进了一间乡村小屋。Nick opens the door to a rustic cabin.

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她去乡村休养。She went to the country to recuperate.

尝得出那花神和乡村的绿意Tasting of Flora and the country green

姓李的一家人正在去乡村公园的路上。The Lis are going to the country park.