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我觉得这间书局种类跟别家不太一样…I think you will like this bookstore.

今天,妈妈带我去一间好大间的书局。Mummy brought me to a very big bookshop.

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离散与组合数学,刘涵初著,华泰书局。Elements of Discrete Mathematics, C. L. Liu.

点石斋是近代较为典型的书局。Was a typical modern spin vegetarian bookstore.

家长可自行选择书局购买课本。Parents can purchase textbooks from any booksellers.

这位就是嘉兴秀州书局的范笑我局长。This is Mr. Fan Xiaowo, Chief of the Xiuzhou Book Bureau.

我们到了书局一起看了摄影的书籍。We went to a bookstore and saw photographical books together.

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这可是秀州书局的又一大特色。This is a significant characteristic of the Xiuzhou Bookstore.

最初的出版商企鹅书局无条件撤回了图书。At no point did Penguin, the original publisher, withdraw the book.

诚品书局在农历新年时将开设一家新的旗舰店。The Eslite Bookstore is to open a new flagship store for the Chinese New Year.

我到现在还记得自己捧着他的书在书局呆呆的排队等他签名的样子。I still remember my stupid look when I was queuing in the bookstore to get his signature.

早年在世界书局、中央政治学校任职。He worked at the World Publishing House and the Central Political Collage at his early year.

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一些新的图书在互联网市肆自制真的比那一些在陌头书局。Some new books in Internet shops are really cheaper than those in hellogh street bookstores.

日本的书局忙着推出香蕉读本,一些餐馆也开始推出香蕉餐。Japan's busy book launch of Reading banana, some restaurants have begun to launch meal of bananas.

论述浙江官书局的研究现状,并提出本文的选题意义。Introduction discusses the status quo study of Zhejiang official press and puts forward the significance of the topic.

校园内还有超市、面包店、书局、期刊经销商、美发院和两个银行。Campus facilities include a supermarket, a bakery, a bookshop and a newsagent , a hairdresser, a post office and two banks.

此书现今最为流行的本子是中华书局于一九七四年出版的由王仲荦先生手自点校的标点本,该书旁征博引,考订精密。The most popular edition of SongShu is the Collating edition by Zhonghua Press in 1974, which was done by Mr. WangZhongLuo himself.

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最后,以婚纱、书局、电脑资讯等三个业种为例,利用判别分析,进一步探求经营绩效与聚集强度之间的关系。By using our analysis, we can find out the relationship between management efficiency and the intensity of same type of stores in gathering.

此部分通过图表的方式,对浙江官书局所刻书籍进行了全面系统的考证和梳理。This part mainly includes diagrams, providing detailed information on the bibliography, paper, and plate-type of books engraved by Zhejiang official press.

浙江官书局为中国近代文化事业做出重要贡献,特别是在文化传承和保护中的贡献。Zhejiang official press has made important contributions to cultural undertakings in modern China, especially to the inheritance and protection of culture.