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她是个卖弄风情的女人。She is a flirt.

谈论世界风情,体验狂欢节、泼水节等。I can talk about the world.

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上海罗店“北欧风情镇”Luodian "Scandinavian Town"

每一个造型都具有日本风情。Every look had a Japanese feel.

想要一些异国风情吗?Want something a bit more exotic?

我喜欢去一些异国风情的地方。I like to travle to exotic places.

当然,她对谁都卖弄风情。Of course she'll flirt with anybody.

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他喜欢卖弄风情的女子。He likes girls that play the coquette.

戏里的女子都是千娇百媚、万种风情。Women are drama , 10,000 kinds of customs.

你这个永远也不懂风情的人!You the man who will not understand coquette!

普罗旺斯一处山坡上的橄榄林呈现出一派浪漫风情。Olives look romantic on a hillside in Provence.

你的前任开始卖弄风情,千万别取悦他们。An ex is flirting, do not entertain them please.

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它是一种表现异域风情的健身操和舞蹈。It is expressive dance as well as exotic fitness.

吃大泽山葡萄,品农家风情。Eat Daze Mountain Grape, farmhouse style products.

我是江南的人,我爱江南的风情。I am a southern people, I love the Jiangnan style.

今夜风情发酵,醉了谁的柔肠。Tonight style fermentation, drunk who rouchang. IN!

他看见美丽动人的姑娘抛出卖弄风情的眼色。He saw coquettish glances cast by magnificent girls.

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由于巴厘岛万种风情,景物甚为绮丽。Since the Bali 10,000 kinds of customs, scenery is lai.

这名字听着又熟悉又有异域风情,还女人味十足。It sounded both familiar and exotic, feminineyet strong.

由于巴厘岛万种风情,景物甚为绮丽。As the Bali million species and customs scenery very lai.