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这项研究没有用“欺凌“这个词,相反,学生们被问之在过去的那些年里”有意义的事情“发生的频率。The study didn't use the term "bullying."

你曾经是网络欺凌之受害者?Have you been the victim of Cyberbullying?

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以学校为基础的反欺凌预防项目。schools-based anti-bullying prevention programmes.

网络欺凌就目前阶段是难以解决的问题。Cyberbullying is a problem no one knows how to fix.

今天,我们在过去的三个欺凌的报告。Today we have the last of three reports on bullying.

一个欺凌凌的世界,一次又一次的骗局,生活。A world of bullying Ling, one after another scam, life.

如其他的许多吉普赛孩子一样,他们也遭受欺凌。And like so many other Gypsy children, they faced bullying.

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2010年爱荷华州研究暴力电子游戏与欺凌行为间关联Iowa State Study of 2010 Links Violent Videogames to Aggression

太可怖了。这样无情的欺凌美丽的动物!Utterly appalling. Such callousvile bulling of beautiful animals!

如今,校园欺凌又出现了令人烦扰的新形式——网络欺凌。A disturbing new twist on bullying is the advent of cyberbullying.

我们有三种口味的冰欺凌,香草,巧克力和草莓。We have three flavors of ice-cream,vanilla chocolate and strawberry.

当有权势的人利用职位之便来欺凌他人时,我们全都输得一败涂地。And when the powerful use their position to bully others, we all lose.

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白宫的一个反欺凌会议中公开了这些变化。The changes were unveiled during a White House anti-bulling conference.

我的第一个感觉是一只小熊,但是却是一个欺凌弱小的黑熊。My first sensation was that it was a little tiny bear, but what a bully.

我们那时候也有欺凌弱者的事情,不过影响范围却小很多。Meanness happened then too, but the sphere of influence was much smaller.

避免与控制欲强、欺骗别人、欺凌弱小或自甘堕落的人交谈avoid conversing with people who manipulate, deceive, bully or condescend

布朗否认有欺凌下属的行为,求助热线的说法存在争议。Mr. Brown denies bullying staff and the hotline's claims have been disputed.

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让一个12岁的孩子被嘲弄、被欺凌、被攻击,是绝不可容忍的事情。It is never OK when a 12-year-old girl or boy is mocked, bullied or attacked.

这一时刻,对于一个饱经忧患、尽受欺凌的民族来说是多么宝贵啊!This moment, for a care-worn, to make the nation bullied how valuable it is ah!

我们可以在超市的冷冻食品区买到很多种类的冰欺凌。We can buy many kinds of ice-creams in the frozen food section in supermarkets.