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第六句把握商铺投资脉搏.Grasp the pulse of investment shops.

暴徒们放火点燃了整排商铺。Rioters set fire to a whole row of stores.

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商铺关张,水媒传染病肆虐。Businesses shut down and water-borne diseases spread.

物业代理在给客户展示商铺平面图参考。Agent is showing the shop's floor plan to the clients.

一座商铺前竖著的广告牌上写著“我们欢迎讨价还价”。A sign near Russell Springs, Ky. , beckons to shoppers.

30时,他们已经在一家商铺挑选戒指了。At 4.30 they’re outside a pawnbroker’s, looking at rings.

灯火辉煌的盘江路上,商铺林立,十分热闹。Panjiang Road, wide ablaze with lights, was full of people.

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我们这里的中国商铺至少有12家,销售着相同的垃圾。We have no less than 12 Chinese shops, selling the same BS.

物业代理在给客户展示商铺平面图参考。Agent is display the shop's floor blueprint apt the clients.

伦敦的商铺与那些北京的商铺装饰的是一样的。The shops of London are as well furnished as thoese of Pekin.

在长约千米的天街上布满了宾馆、饭店、商铺。Km long days in the street full of hotels, restaurants, shops.

可现在,竟然有人通过网络一掷千万购买北京的一套商铺。But someone bought a store house in Beijing through the Internet.

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办公楼战商铺也装潢着白灯笼。Office buildings and stores are also decorated with red lanterns.

在围巾市场,有一家来自云南的“蚕宝宝”围巾商铺。The scarf market, there is a from Yunnan "silk-worm" scarf shops.

小商铺里的缕缕炊烟带着种种香甜味,令人感觉轻松而踏实!The steams with all kinds of flavors make me feel ease and steady.

虽然许多商铺的生意都被超市抢去了,但这里的商铺还没有被完全挤垮。Many are losing business to supermarkets, but they aren't extinct yet.

对那些需要一点神圣灵感的商铺尤佳。They are perfect for businesses that need a little divine inspiration.

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对不起,师长教师,这是个什么样的地址?居平易近地址照样商铺地址?I am sorry, sir, what kind of address is this? Residential or commercial ?

还有一家商铺在一个月间卖出了1700张中国诺亚方舟船票,每张2元。Another one sold 1,700 Chinese Noah's Ark passes in a month, at 2 RMB each.

余利带着军统站的人到商铺里去敲诈钱财,很成功。A person with juntong station to the shops to extort money, very successful.