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那位修女立下严格的誓愿。The nun took strait vows.

如果可以的话,把你的誓愿张贴在你可以看到的地方。If you can, post affirmations where you will see them.

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我带着全燔祭进入你的圣殿,我要向你偿还我的各种誓愿。I will bring offerings to your house in fulfillment of my vows.

我完全忘记了我在危难中发出的誓愿和诺言。I entirely forgot the vows and promises that I made in my distress.

在开庭审理弹劾案时,参议员们均应宣誓或誓愿。When sitting for that purpose, they shall be on oath or affirmation.

在开庭审理弹劾案时,参议员们均应宣誓或誓愿。Impeachment Trials The Senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments.

他的誓愿得以实现是在他证菩提而成佛时。This vow was accomplished when he achieved enlightenment as the Amitabha Buddha.

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当佛陀发了这个誓愿后,他手上的肉重新长了出来,犹如新生。When the Buddha made this oath, the flesh on his arm did grow back, just like new.

即使是邪恶的人,仅是由于对于誓愿的信心,也能获得解救。这如何可能?How is it possible that even an evil person can be saved merely through faith in the Vow?

然还未行普贤之行,故仅仅是发心和誓愿阶段。If one hasn't practiced Samantabhadra's vows, he is still in the stage of initial resolve.

没有人花费在礼品订送,没有誓愿见证,也没有小孩参与。No one had spent money on a gift registry, there were no witnessed vows, no kids involved.

目前,我们必须发的誓愿只需一个——往生于佛所居住的净土。What we need is to vow to be reborn in either Pure Land of these Buddhas, that we wish to go to.

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甚至誓愿度一切诋毁辱骂他的人比自己更早成佛。He even vowed to take across people who slandered him so that they would accomplish Buddhahood before he did.

戴安娜,知道酒神誓愿,把紫晶变成无色的石英柱子保护她免受老虎。Diana, knowing of Bacchus vow, turned Amethyst into a pillar of colorless quartz to protect her from the tigers.

鉴于对这些权利和自由的普遍了解对于这个誓愿的充分实现具有很大的重要性。Whereas a common understanding of these rights and freedoms is of the greatest importance for the full realization of this pledge.

而且,无论这样一个人犯了怎样的恶行,他可以免除焦虑或恐惧,因为阿弥陀佛誓愿的拯救,并不受恶行阻碍。Also, whatever evil such a person may commit, he is free from concern or fear, because no evil can hinder salvation by Amida's Vow.

我相信依靠坚定的誓愿和对众生的慈悲之心,就一定能够圆满这项伟大的事业。I'm convinced that we can complete the great cause, dependant on great compassion to beings, unwavering determination and goodwill.

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菩提誓愿是修行者生生世世直到成佛的根本精神支柱,因此我们由衷的向菩提誓愿致礼。Bodhi vows are the spiritual roots that sustain practitioners from life to life till full enlightenment, so we sincerely bow down to Bodhi vows.

实际上,即使政治领导人在达沃斯重申了其全球化的誓愿,他们在国内的政府往往还是会采取相反的政策。In fact, even as political leaders renewed their globalisation vows in Davos, their governments were often taking contradictory steps back home.

数千名男子被任命为教士,另外还有数千名男女发下修道的誓愿,渴望寻回引导他们的信仰。Thousands of men were ordained to the priesthood, and thousands more—men and women—took monastic vows , all yearning to recover a guiding faith.