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囚犯们在绝望中更加不顾死活了。The prisoners grew more desperate.

囚徒们在绝望中更加不顾死活了。The prisoners grew more desperate in despair.

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为了让我们先走,大山羊不顾死活地朝狼群扑了过去。To let us go first, the goat pounces on the wolves strongly.

当他看到楼梯着了火便不顾死活从窗口跳了出去。Indesperation he jumped out of the window when he saw that the stairs were on fire.

这个艾伦·布雷克是个大胆的、不顾死活的家伙,大家都知道他是詹姆斯的左右手。This Alan Breck is a bold, desperate customer, and well known to be Jame's right hand.

这个艾伦布雷克是个大胆的、不顾死活的家伙,大家都知道他是詹姆斯的左右手。This alan breck is a bold, desperate customer, and well known to be james's right hand.

它似乎是狂热者是兴奋藉着我们的新的签署和他们不顾死活见他游戏。It seems that the fans are excited by our new signing and they are desperate to see him play.

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“那时更重要的理由,麦克斯。这是我要找到她的原因,麦克斯,我爱她!”瑞克不顾死活地说道。"That's even more reason Max. That's why I have to find her, Max, I love her! " said Rick in desperation.

当一致地三个古巴人劫持了一种不顾死活尝试的一个渡船到达佛罗里达的时候,他们被运行。When coincidentally three Cubans hijacked a ferry in a desperate attempt to get to Florida, they were executed.

汤姆不顾死活,又走过去,把自己麻袋里的棉花全部塞进了那妇人的麻袋里。AT the risk of all thAT he might suffer, Tom came forward again, and put all the cotton in his sack into the woman's.

他看起来不像他将要结束赢得任何人但是藉着巡回赛的结束每个人是不顾死活让他停留在之上。He did not look like he was going to win anyone over but by the end of the tournament everyone was desperate for him to stay on.

可叹的是,我们见到多少次冉阿让在黑暗中被自己的良心所擒,不顾死活地和它搏斗。Alas! How many times have we beheld Jean Valjean seized bodily by his conscience, in the darkness, and struggling desperately against it!