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他对那项工作是个生手。He is young at the work.

对这项工作来说我仍然是个生手。I'm still green at the job.

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这个生手的眼睛都亮了。The greenhorn's eyes lit up.

对这项任务来说我仍然是个生手。I'm usually green at the job.

生手易于学会,效率约为3-6人工作能量。About 3-6 times of labor power.

在这行,我是个生手。I am a greenhorn in this field.

你我二人都是生手。You and I are both green hands.

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他是生手,需要我们的帮助。As a greenhorn , he needs our help.

这个年轻人在业务上尚属生手。The young man is still green at his job.

愿意等待十来个生手来这么做么?Like to wait for a dozen raw opened that way?

作为生手,她不敢单独做这件事。Being a greenhorn, she didn't dare to do it alone.

有人提醒他别再雇佣生手当职员了。He was warned not to hire any more greenhorns as clerks.

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回答棘手问题是在工作中大展生手的好机会,如果处理的好,是件好事,如果处理的不好,就有麻烦了,想知道如何回答这类刁钻问题吗?Answering tough questions is the easiest way to get noticed at your job.

编辑视频我是生手,那花去了我很长时间去编辑。I'm a bit green at video editing, so it takes me a long time to edit things.

休虽然是生手,但她完全了解她工作的细节。Though Sue is a green hand, she's completely at grips with the details of her job.

这个生手迫不及待的跑回家,向妻子和孩子展示这枚驴蛋。Well, the greenhorn ran all the way home and showed the mule egg to his wife and kiddies.

我的工作是在一家贸易公司的海生手销部做司理助理。I am working for atradingpany as an assistant manager in the overseas distribution section.

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马尔代夫盛产大石斑,连生手也随钓随上,让人有些不可思议!Maldives-rich big grouper, even with the novices have to catch on with the people some incredible!

“研究者们正努力找到重生手指甚至四肢的方法,”海菲尔德说道。"Researchers are desperately trying to find ways to regrow fingers and even limbs," Highfield says.

我真希望我能超过前面那辆车,那人开的太慢了,肯定是个生手。I wish I could get around this guy in front of me , he is going too slow and must be a Sunday driver.