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我不仅仅关心茶党群众。I'm not only referring to Tea Party people.

从各个方面全方位抓好党群党建工作。Pays special attention to the party and the masses party building work from all aspects.

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负责国资委机关和在京直属单位的党群工作。To be responsible for CPC Party-mass work of the Commission and affiliated institutions in Beijing.

负责局机关及直属单位的党群工作。To be responsible for the party-masses work of Administration and its directly affiliated institutions.

负责机关和在京直属单位的党群工作。To be responsible for party-masses relations of CNTA and its organizations directly affiliated in Beijing.

负责总局机关和在京直属单位、挂靠单位的党群工作。To be responsible for the Party-masses work of the Ministry departments, directly affiliated institutions in Beijing.

这些天,亭南煤业公司党群工作部的张琰忙里偷闲总要往皮带运输队跑。These days, mass work Tingnan Ministry of Coal Industry Company, Zhang Yan, always sneak in to the belt running convoys.

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负责机关和直属单位人事教育、党群工作。to take charge of the personnel education and Party-masses work for administrations and directly affiliated institutions.

在建设有中国特色社会主义事业中坚持马克思主义党群观是极其重要的。It is of vital importance to stick to Marxist party and mass viewpoint in building socialism with Chinese characteristics.

四是培训收费4项,包括导游人员初级救护培训收费、党群机关干部计算机知识普及培训及考务费等。Fourth, the training fee 4, including the tour guide staff training in primary care charges, party cadres training and computer literacy test Services Fees.

并从党群、营销等部门抽调人员参与各项目部的拆迁工作,充实力量,加强服务监管。And from the party-and marketing-department personnel involved in the project department of the demolition work, enriching and strengthening services regulation.

农村税费改革是减轻农民负担,进一步保护和解放农村生产力,密切党群干群关系的重大举措。Tax-fee reform in rural area is a fatal act to cut peasants' burden, to protect and liberate productivity and to build closer relationship between the Party and the masses.

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在当前,只有密切党群关系,才能消除腐败现象,才能保证我党从胜利走向胜利直至辉煌。At present, only by establishing close contact between our party and the masses can we eliminate corruption and guarantee our party to progress from victory to splendid victory.

厂务部、企管部、市场部、技术开发部、财务部、计量室、党群部等八个部室。Plant Services Department, Qiguanbu, Marketing, Technology Development Department, the Finance Department, metrology Room Party and the Department of the Ministry of eight rooms.

大量老城区的拆迁改造工作中出现的党群冲突时有发生,严重影响了和谐党群关系的构建及和谐社会建设。Conflicts between the Party and ordinary citizens may occur during demolition and reconstruction of the old city. It could severely harm harmonious relation between the Party and the citizens.

记者看到,初步试用岗位说明书的党群工作处干部人事职务就分有18个工作子项目,涉及9张流程图、20个相关政策和36张表格。This reporter saw a job description of the Party and the initial trial work at the cadre and personnel functions working on sub-18 sub-projects, involving nine flowchart, 20 policies and 36 forms.