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大师无动于衷。The Master was unmoved.

而荷兰人基本都无动于衷They basically didn't care.

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但是乔治无动于衷。But Geroge was unsympathetic.

与此同时,谷歌仍然无动于衷。Google, meanwhile, will remain unmoved.

毁誉无动于衷,荣誉在所不计。——李泽厚。Be indifferent to depreciation or honor.

他无动于衷使她心中的怨恨火上加油。His indifference was a fuel to her hatred.

獠牙妖怪们对我们的游戏无动于衷。The sabre-toothed monsters are unimpressed.

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她接到这消息时显然无动于衷。She received the news with apparent unconcern.

然而审理此案的法官——当地一位司令官对此无动于衷。Her judge, a local Taliban commander, was unmoved.

你不应该对别人的痛苦无动于衷。The fact that it's another person should make you care.

那时候哈尔顿早就消失了,鸭子看起来也无动于衷。By that time Haldon had vanished. Duck seemed unconcerned.

乔治是一个严肃的人,对这一套诱惑人的手腕无动于衷。George was a serious man and insensible to such enticements.

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除非所有的情感都逐渐消失,否则他是不可能无动于衷的。Not until all emotion had ebbed would it have been possible.

对尼尔的愠怒和甜言蜜语,他都无动于衷。He remained impervious to all nell's sulks and blandishments.

而美联储仍几乎无动于衷于对这些困难的克服。Yet the Fed is doing almost nothing to confront these troubles.

分手后、女人哭得死去活来,男人却无动于衷。After break up, the woman cry frazzle, but the man sitting down.

你怎能对饥民的疾苦无动于衷呢?How can you be indifferent to the sufferings of starving people?

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她对你的爱情无动于衷,因为她对你毫不关心。She is indifferent to your love for she shows no concern for you.

好吧,告诉我吧,一个人不可能对另一个人无动于衷的。Come on, tell me that one person cannot be that indifferent to another.

如果你飞机坐多了,这类事情见多了,也就学会对此无动于衷了。If you fly much, you see these things and learn to act blase about them.