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我是快乐的渊源。I'm Happy Yuanyuan.

哎,渊源,我们到了。Oh, Yuanyuan, here we are.

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我是快乐的王渊源。And I'm Happy Wang Yuanyuan.

大家好,我是快乐的渊源。Hi there! I'm Happy Yuanyuan.

渊源,这回看够了吧?Yuanyuan, did you see enough?

渊源你看,那位就是徐福。Yuanyuan, look, that's Xu Fu.

渊源,你干吗去呀?Yuanyuan, where are you going?

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所以,在这里,我跟渊源。Therefore, here Yuanyuan and I.

渊源,这里就是梅湾街。Yuanyuan, this is Meiwan Street.

渊源,多好的机会啊!Yuanyuan, what a nice opportunity!

这位是我的搭档王渊源。And this is my co-host Wang Yuanyuan.

韩佳、渊源,快过来。Han Jia and Yuanyuan, come over here.

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渊源,这里就是西沙湿地。Yuanyuan, here is the Xisha Wetlands.

你想知道王渊源说了什么吗?Do you want to know what Wang Yuanyuan say?

侵权行为法的渊源并不久远。The law of torts is of fairly recent origin.

越南自古与中国有着极深的渊源。Vietnam and China have deep ancient origins.

渊源,你知道议事厅前地在哪儿吗?Yuanyuan, do you know where Senate Square is?

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咱们也去凑凑热闹吧!快来啊,渊源!Let's go join in on the fun. Yuanyuan, be quick!

“特情剧”与观众的渊源由来已久。"Spy film" has a long association with audience.

学习了Inverarity企业的渊源。She learns the history of Inverarity's enterprises.