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没人能不犯语法错误。No man could avoid solecizing.

他几乎不犯拼写错误。Hardly does he make spelling mistakes.

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接受批评,不犯二次过错。Accept criticism, making no secondary fault.

抓住每个细节,不犯同样错误。At every detail, don't make the same mistake.

你要不犯贱,咱们关系还能好点!Fan Jian you want, we can better relationship!

他的细心保证了他不犯更多的错误。Hiss carefulness secured him from making more mistakes.

多加注意会确保你不犯这么多错误。More care will insure you against making so many mistakes.

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他们是一支很完美的球队,几乎不犯错。They are a very complete team and errors are almost non-existent.

不犯千般错误,难成伟大人物。No man ever became great or good except through many and great mistakes.

别怕犯错,记下来不犯同样的错误就好。Don't be afraid to make mistakes, just take note not to repeat them again.

不过我也是逼不得已,人不犯我我不犯人。However I am also to have no option, the person doesn't make me I not prisoner.

女人并非不犯淫邪,然而她们主要的原罪是傲慢,嫉妒和忿怒。Women are not averse to lust, but are primarily occupied with pride, envy and anger.

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我们沉迷于工作的部分原因是我们希望不犯任何错误。Part of the reason why we obsess over our work is because we want it to be mistake-free.

他们等待他们的来临暗示而且不犯错他们的消失标志。They wait for intimations of their coming and do not mistake the signs of their absence.

不犯错——小牛队队员打了一场伟大的比赛,他们毫无疑问是这个系列赛中表现更好的球队。Make no mistake, Dallas played a great game and was clearly the better team in the series.

虚心倾听、接受他人意见,不犯自以为是的毛病。Give your ear and acceptance to suggestions from others. Cast away the self-conceited manner.

一般凡人安份守己的地不犯法,可以免去外刑之灾。Common people abide by the law and behave themselves so that they can avoid external punishment.

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然而,在开始讨论智慧和聪明差别时,我们不大可能不犯错就得到一个标准答案。But aside from that, I don't think we can get much more specific without starting to be mistaken.

他们是一支很完美的球队,几乎不犯错。但我们知道如何打开缺口。They are a very complete team and errors are almost non-existent. But we'll know how to find the gap.

某个好夥伴有助你突飞猛进。这个人还能让你谨守份际、不犯错。这是笔不错的交易。A good partner can help you advance quickly. This person will also make you walk the line. It's a good deal.