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尽管他冥思苦想,可连一个词儿也想不起来。Try as he did, he couldn't remember a word of it.

当朋友向我抱怨时,我冥思苦想想找到解决的办法。I used to bang my head to find solutions, when my friends complain.

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这个冥思苦想的部分是所有发明和灵感的决定性阶段。The puzzling part is a critical stage of all invention and inspiration.

作为一个好老师,他常常要为功课冥思苦想些新招。As he is a good teacher,he often has to whistle up new ideas for lessons.

在冥思苦想中渡过的彻底隐逸暗藏着危险。There is a dangerous side to excessive solitude spent in efforts at meditation.

我还冥思苦想如何把现代的观众吸引到一个世纪前的故事中去。Also I thought hard about how to attract a modern audience to a century old story.

学生在写作时,常常搜索枯肠、冥思苦想,很苦恼。Student when writing, racks brains frequently, ponders diligently, is very worried.

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爸爸靠在方向盘上冥思苦想,儿子却“呼”地一声跳下车。Father leans on the wheel, thinking hard. Just at the moment, Son jumps out of the car.

但想象不同于建造,从冥思苦想到获得专利还有漫漫长路要走。But imagining is not the same as building, and puzzling is a long, long way from patenting.

这些动词共有的中心意思是。闷闷不乐地在脑海里长时间冥思苦想。The central meaning shared by these verbs is . to turn over in the mind moodily and at length.

你冥思苦想如何能把这些合并到一份工作中去。Now you've scratching your head, puzzling over how to combine all of these aspects into one job.

他坐下来冥思苦想,同时从胸口的袋子里掏出了公主秀发把玩。He sat down to think about it, meanwhile pulling from his pocket the Princess's single silken hair.

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这是我经过不断的阅读、思考、以及关于如何成为优秀领导者的冥思苦想后所完成的作品。And it is the product of much reading, thinking, and agonizing over what it takes to be a great leader.

在你去就酒吧前冲凉时,泡沫的美妙物理足够你好好冥思苦想一阵了。The fascinating physics of foams offers much to contemplate as you shower before heading off to the bar.

回想一下上周所做的一切,什么是最具创造力的工作,何时做的,如何做的,什么工作需要冥思苦想,什么工作轻松即可完成。Since you might be wasting your most creative moments on uncreative tasks, try shifting things around for a while.

这个问题让科学家们冥思苦想了几十年,但直到最近他们才开始获得某些答案。It’s a question scientists have been wrestling with for decades, but only recently have they begun to find answers.

我为卢库勒斯,梅特鲁斯,西庇阿的时运和前途冥思苦想更胜过为我的同胞。I have meditated more on the conditions and fortunes of Lucullus, Metellus, and Scipio than I have about many of our own men.

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当我正在办公室冥思苦想地准备当晚要在城镇那头的一间学院讲课用的讲义时,电话铃响了。I was deep in thought at my office preparing a lecture to be given that evening at a college across town, when the phone rang.

而如果消费文化的研究倒回到几十年前,我就还要在什么是网络广告文化这样的问题上冥思苦想。While studies of consumer culture go back decades, I’m having a hard time surfacing what is known about the culture of web advertising.

这也许不太容易,但是这花费的可只是你的时间和对韵律的冥思苦想。It may not be easy, but the only cost is your time and perhaps some headaches while you try to think of something that rhymes with thong.