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她语无伦次地诉说她悲惨的命运。She raved out her bitter fate.

那人语无伦次地问话。The man was asking, grammar wavering.

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汤姆的确老了,他总是爱语无伦次地说他的往事。Tom is right old, he often sputters his past.

起诉书也写得含糊不清、语无伦次。The indictment is vague, woolly and incoherent.

他蜷缩在角落里,吓得语无伦次。He cowered in the corner, gibbering with terror.

“是的,”我眼泪涟涟语无伦次地说,“我就是。”Yes, " I spluttered through my tears. "That's me. "

我问到他去哪里时,他有些语无伦次。He spluttered about where he had gone when I asked him.

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“但是老师,我似乎不能集中思想,”学生说,“我与神对话时,我常常会语无伦次,已经分别有五次冥想失败的事情发生了,你看我该怎么办?”“But professor, I can’t seem to concentrate, ” said the student.

我们的父亲气得涨红了脸,说话开始语无伦次。Our father's face had reddened with rage and he began to sputter.

很遗憾,你这个语无伦次的黑暗精灵还不够资格左右我们的女皇。The ravings of Dark Elves, sadly, are of somewhat less importance.

我们的盘根问底使得吉姆心慌意乱,语无伦次,拼命找。Our close questioning had Jim floundering about, catching at straws.

有许多人仍在语无伦次地唠叨着,完全一片恐慌。Some of them were still babbling incoherently, utterly panic-stricken.

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使用的例子非常精彩,但对例子的阐释却显得语无伦次。It does this using reasonably good examples and rather incoherent explanations.

之间的基因奠定“垃圾DNA”,语无伦次,没用,很长一段惰性。Between the genes lay long stretches of “junk DNA,” incoherent, useless, and inert.

他们说话往往语无伦次,前言不搭后语,或仅有很少一点关联。Their statements are often rambling and unrelated, or connected in only a limited way.

他们在拐角处相遇了,又是笑,又是吻,激动得连说话都语无伦次了。They met at a turn and kissed with laughter and exclamations inarticulate and stirring.

最近发现某某人很爱乱说话,甚至语无伦次。Recently discovered that somebody likes speaking at a venture very much, even speaks incoherently.

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碰巧爸爸也在家,我语无伦次得告诉他刚才发生的事情。My dad happened to be home, and hardly being able to get the words out, I told him what had just happened.

如果他们想不出还有什么事情可做,就会说一些语无伦次的傻话来确认你是否仍然效忠于他们。When they can’t think of anything else, they make up some drivel like confirming you’re still loyal to them.

段董树一开始还能够行走活动,但全身上下不停地冒着冷汗,说话显得有些语无伦次。Dong beginning of the tree can also walk activities, but keep their body from fate, seemed to speak incoherently.