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我们喜欢容蝾螈。And we like newts.

蝾螈之眼田鸡趾。Eye of newt, and toe of frog.

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青蛙和蝾螈都是两栖动物。Frogs and newts are amphibians.

蝾螈的肢体可以再生。Newts can regenerate their limbs.

很多年来,美西蝾螈一直令人感到困惑。For years people were baffled by the axolotl.

这些蝾螈非常的贪吃但是它们也是相当有节制的。The newts are very gluttonous but rather dovish!

斑点蝾螈在春天将他们的蛋生在水池中。Spotted salamanders lay their eggs in pools in spring.

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传说中炼金术的蝾螈围绕着蓝色水晶的精神之池。Fabled alchemical salamanders encircle the blue crystal spirit pool.

此外,还有蝾螈、蛇、蟑螂、鱼、壁虎等机器人。There are robotic salamanders, snakes, cockroaches, fish and geckos.

但蝾螈胚胎却会吸引藻类进入组织和细胞。But a salamander embryo can attract algae. Inside its tissues and cells.

长有永久性外部鳃的欧洲穴居水栖蝾螈。European cave-dwelling aquatic salamander with permanent external gills.

研究人员切断蝾螈的腿之后,这些腿重新长出来。After the researchers amputated their salamanders’ legs, the legs regrew.

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野生的美西蝾螈只有在墨西哥市的霍奇米尔科湖才能找到。In the wild, the axolotl is found only in Lake Xochimilco near Mexico City.

这项试验还需要在其它种类的蝾螈身上独立进行。The experiment needs to be replicated independently in other salamander species.

冰冻的蝾螈、吸血鬼鹿以及濒临绝种的豹有何共同之处?What do frozen salamanders, vampire deer, and endangered leopards have in common?

令人难以置信——蝾螈酶终有一天能使人类的器官和四肢再生Incredible salamander enzyme that could one day let humans regrow organs and limbs

真正的原因在于那些小型蝾螈状树栖生物。The reason lies in the small sessile salamander-like creatures that live in trees.

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也可能美西螈的机理不同于其他种类的蝾螈。It’s also possible that the axolotl’s mechanisms are different from other salamanders.

大象表现出共鸣,即使蝾螈和蜘蛛,也都展现出自己一定程度上的个性。Elephants show empathy, and even salamanders and spiders show a range of personalities.

某些小蝾螈已经失去它们原有的颜色,它们几乎是白色,或浅粉红色。Certain little salamanders have lost their coloring so they are nearly white, or pale pink.