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但是其中还有更多不可告人的秘密。But there were more skeletons in the closet.

红牛车手和水之间有神马不可告人的秘密?What is it about Red Bull drivers and water?

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你又有什么不可告人的糗事吗?。What sort of shady shit have you been up to?

他指责政府有不可告人的动机。He accused the government of having a hidden agenda.

他坚称所有大人物都有些不可告人的事。He insisted that ingl great men hoffer feet of clay.

波斯基没有不可告人之事,不过廉价债券而已。There were no skeletons in Ivan Boesky's closets, only junk.

参议员辛浦生只在考虑自己心里不可告人的事情。Senator Simpson merely looked the deep things that he thought.

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他肯定会谋求另外的手段来满足他那不可告人的感情。He will doubtless seek other means of satiating his dark passion.

感谢祢把我们连同我们不可告人的家丑一并纳入祢恩典的伟大故事中。Thank you for including us, skeletons and all, into your grand story of grace.

每个圣人都有不可告人的过去,每个罪人都有洁白无瑕的未来。——王尔德。Every saint has a skeleton in the past, every sinner has a white in the future.

参谋首长联席会议主席暗示中国有着更加不可告人的目的。The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff implied China had a more ominous aim.

但在把索马里海盗渲染成旧式海盗的故事背后,有着不可告人的丑闻。But behind the arrr-me-hearties oddness of this tale, there is an untold scandal.

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我们跟踪采访了三位美国飞行员设法让他们说出一些不可告人的小秘密。We tracked down three U.S. pilots and squeezed out some of their dirty little secrets.

他们是毫无信用的无赖,没有达到其不可告人的目的前决不罢休。They are liars and scoundrels who will stop at nothing to pursue their mysterious aims.

那些有不可告人的家丑的人,常以为自己被排斥在神家门外。People with skeletons in their closet tend to think they are excluded from God's family.

我总弄不清楚,莫洛克人在新月下会干什么不可告人的事。I wondered vaguely what foul villainy it might be that the Morlocks did under the new moon.

中国外交部发言人姜瑜上个星期表示,这些报导“毫无根据,是出于不可告人的目的”。The Chinese spokeswoman called the reports "totally groundless, and out of ulterior motives."

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这项研究是由美国国家卫生研究院来进行的,所以并不会像有些调查一样存在着某些不可告人的动机。This study was done by the National Institutes of Health, not by anybody with any ulterior motive.

然而,身边一张一张的扑克脸却仿佛隐藏了许多不可告人的秘密。Their poker faces seem to be hiding some secrets, which Wai will finally determined to confront with.

姜蓉现身,得知淑梅与开朗有不可告人的过去后大感愤怒,并怪责淑梅。Grated ginger, learned that shu mei and cheerful have ulterior after the big feeling angry, and blame shu mei.