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夜深人静时有人偷偷溜进了他的房间。Someone stole into his room in the still of night.

当夜深人静时,就默默缝补他的旧袜子……Darning his socks in the night when there's nobody there...

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缘何,每一个夜深人静,我们的故事又在摇曳的灯盏里重现?Why, every night, our story in the flickering lamp in return?

我自认为我是属于快乐的,但当夜深人静的时候,我会思考。I think I am belong to happy, but when the dead of night, I think.

夜深人静,美好的中秋佳节就快过去了。The dead of night, a beautiful Mid-Autumn Festival will soon pass.

夜深人静的时候,她还想着这些事,几个小时也睡不着。During the quiet hours of the night she lay awake considering ideas.

一个夜深人静的晚上,皎洁的月光将我很快送入梦乡。One night, the night sea. clean moonlight will I quickly into sleep.

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多年后芬妮。·勃劳恩仍常去那篇荒野且多在夜深人静之时。Fanny Brawne walked the heath for many years, often far into the night.

夜深人静,很快我们就进入了梦乡。Night was deep and silence . We soon dropped into the sweet dreamlands.

夜深人静时,让我们问一问自已吧,我们这样做对得起含辛茹苦的父母吗?Night when, let us ask yourself right, we do the parents could suck it up?

我应该找个借口,逃避在夜深人静的美丽夜色中。I should find an excuse to escape in the dead of night the beautiful night.

夜深人静,在回家的路上,威廉姆斯有时会坐在车里抽泣起来。At night, on her way home, Williams would sometimes sit and weep in her car.

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夜深人静的时候,你可以回忆过去的细密往事,细数过去的点点滴滴。Deep into night, you can recall detailed past, count your past little things.

为了让情节更生动些,我们来点疯狂的闪回场景,夜深人静时的编码狂欢。And to spice things up, some crazy flashback scenes of late-night coding binges.

奥德丽巴洛已经醒了,在夜深人静的时候要去上厕所。Audrey Barlow has woken up in the dead of night and needs to go to the bathroom.

心情抑郁的明无法入睡,于是起身来,在夜深人静的车厢里走来走去。Ming, upset, cannot sleep and gets up to walk through the quiet berth carriages.

真的只是有时候,夜深人静的时候,突然觉得寂寞深入骨髓。Really just sometimes, late at night, I suddenly feel lonely in-depth bone marrow.

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夜深人静,查理将装有真头盖骨的箱子藏到停尸房柜子里。That night, Charlie will be a really skull box hidden to the morgue in the cupboard.

在这个月初,一支不寻常的护卫队伍在夜深人静的时候,取道里昂。IN THE dead of night, an unusual convoy made its way through Lyon earlier this month.

在那种年头,在那条路上,晚上八点,已是夜深人静的时候了。At that age, and on that boulevard, eight o'clock in the evening was the dead of the night.