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防汛等各部门将继续密切跟踪雨情变化,采取有力措施,确保防汛排涝工作万无一失。Flood control and related departments shall follow closely the raining situations and take forceful measures to ensure the success of flood control.

本文以柴河水库为例,详细地介绍了水库雨情自动测报系统的风险分析方法,首次将“重现期法”、“安全系数法”引进到水库雨情自动测报系统的风险分析中。The paper introduces the risk analysis method of automatic measure and forecast system of reservoir rain regime in greater detail with example of Caihe reservoir.

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最后,给出以水雨情会商系统为例的演示性应用,展示了上述技术的可行性和有效性。We also give a demonstrative application of a hydrographic information system to show the feasibility and effectivity of this work to meet the initial challenges.

本设计由水雨情分析预报子系统、预警信息生成子系统以及维护及管理子系统三部分构成。This design contains three parts including rainfall analysis and prediction subsystem, generation of early warning subsystem and maintenance and management subsystem.

雷达定量测雨可以作为常规雨量站网的补充,准实时地提供多种雨情信息。The measuring rainfall by the means of radar may be a supplement for the network of the routine rainfall station, it can give a variety of rainfall information quasi-real time.

该软件系统利用自动化测报系统实时采集的水雨情资料,进行实时水雨情动态分析,为决策者提供决策支持。And it has taken advantage of automatic measurement system to collect rain and water information and has made a dynamic analysis, so as to offer decision support for decision-maker.

你性格倔强,从不肯轻易流一滴眼泪,而我也不忍心见你流泪,于是便时常向天廷谎报雨情。You have unbending , never willing to shed a drop of tears easily , and I could not bear to see you shed tears either, then often lied about the rain condition to the court of the sky.

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直观表现和预见水雨情信息的空间分布状态有利于对水信息与地理信息的相互作用进行分析。The visual display and forecast of the spatial distribution of water and rainfall information are helpful to analyze the interaction between water information and geography information.

第六部分分别从雨情、水情和灾情三个方面对1954年、1981年、1982年、1998年和2007年重庆市洪灾进行了论述。The sixth part takes flood disasters of Chongqing in 1954,1981,1982,1998 and 2007 as examples, and analyzes the rain complexion, water complexion and general situation in detail separately.

大隆水库在施工期采用水情自动测报系统收集雨情信息,使洪水预报更加及时。The basic concept, principle and characteristics of the satellite communication-based automatic system of hydrological data acquisition and transmission and MQ Series are introduced briefly.