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你有特效药吗?Do you have any good medicines?

有治艾滋病的特效药吗?。Is there any wonder drug for Adis.

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尚没有治疗鳦感冒的特效药。There is still no cure for a cold.

所谓的特效药原来是骗人的东西。The so-called specific was a fraud.

治疗腮腺炎有特效药吗?Does remedial parotitis have specific?

治疗腰肌劳损有没有特效药?Does remedial strain of lumbar muscles have specific?

关于三个一组在块中的特效药问题。Specific question regarding the triplets in the piece.

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咖啡因到底是提神的特效药还是有很多副作用的垃圾还很难说。Whether caffeine is a miracle drug or junk is hard to say.

迄今为止治疗普通感冒并无特效药。There are at present no effective treatments for the common cold.

他把不同的物质调配成特效药。COMPOUND】He compounded various substances into an effective medicine.

没有能杀犬瘟病毒的特效药。No specific drug is available that will kill the virus in infected dogs.

治疗无菌性股骨头坏死有什么特效药?Is head of femur of remedial asepsis sex necrotic what specific is there?

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正如医生所说,这种病目前还没有特效药。There is so far, as the doctor put it , no specific medicine for this illness.

抗压力治疗能缓解症状,但是至今没有特效药。Stress management can help symptoms, but there is no effective medicine to treat it.

策划公司受雇为特效药制定能产生高度影响力的发行策略。The planning companies are paid to implement high-impact publication strategies for specific drugs.

目前有两种治疗恰加斯病的特效药,即苄硝唑和硝呋莫司。There are currently two drugs effective in the treatment of Chagas disease, benznidazole and nifurtimox.

她说,有些家长会来找她,问她有没有特效药或者维生素“来医好他们的孩子。”Some parents, she said, would come up to her and ask about a magic pill or vitamin "to cure their child."

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内风湿性关节炎有什么好的治疗方法,药物有哪些特效药?Rheumatism sex arthritis has the remedial method with good what inside, what specific does medicaments have?

性爱是轻度忧郁的特效药,在性爱时脑内啡会被释放到血液中,让人感到兴奋并心情愉快。It releases the body endorphin into the bloodstream, producing a sense of euphoria and leaving you with a feeling of well-being.

抗药性的加剧快于新药的研制,目前治疗感染的特效药无法跟上其速度。Resistance is increasing faster than the development of new drugs and current effective medicines for infections cannot keep pace.