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科尔坚决拒绝,而萨伊德坚决相赠。Cole refused.

我坚决拒绝。I refused staunchly.

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我坚决认为是医生搞错了。The doctor’s wrong, I decided.

为什么师妹坚决要搬走?Why Shimei determined to move out?

他坚决要我和他一道去。He insists on it that I go with him.

他是球队的坚决拥护者。He is a stout supporter of the team.

我坚决主张吃全麦面包。I insist on having wholewheat bread.

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在高中时期,他就坚决不打棒球。In high school, he spurned baseball.

他很坚决地说了再见。He didn't stick aroud to say goodbye.

我们坚决反对任何形式的分裂行为。We stand out the breakup in any form.

坚决不发拿不出手的材料。Never Publish damn article or material.

她坚决否认曾听过这宗罪行。She forswore any knowledge of the crime.

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对此说法,我坚决反对!As pron, I oppose this idea determinedly!

坚决执行这个计划。I myself will firmly carry out this plan.

我本人将坚决执行这个计划。I myself will firmly carry out this plan.

他们坚决要求让我留下吃晚饭。They insist that I stay there for supper.

老化的商圈,坚决不设点。Aging business circle, resolute don't run.

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鹦鹉坚决不肯说出自己的年龄。Parrot positively refused to tell its age.

“为了妳,我能。”我坚决地回答你妳。" For you, I can. " I firmly answered you.

于是,波尔加的这一提议被礼貌而坚决地拒绝了。The offer was politely but firmly declined.