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宪法是国家的根本大法。Constitution is basic law of China.

宪法是我国的根本大法。Constitution is the fundamental law.

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宪法是国家的根本大法。Constitution is the national basic law.

第二章两大法系的诉讼证明标准。The standards point to the power of proof.

宪法是国家的根本大法。Constitution is the core of a nation's legal system.

我能感觉到这种移形大法在发展我的移情。I can feel this shape-shifting developing my empathy.

据我所知还没有其他大法王或大师能做得到!I know of no other dharma king or master who can do this!

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这一切的智慧都来源于大法。They were all really surprised. All this wisdom came from Dafa.

祈愿大法会的主持人改由桑浦寺或噶玛派的喇嘛担任。Prayer Dafa will host over by Sang Phu or Karma Lama as a faction.

大法王说,有一半代议士已经被他控制住了。The First Lord claims that half of the congressmen are under his control.

宪法是国家大法,是公民权利的保障书,建设法治国家必须依宪治国。Constitution is fundamental law of the state and guaranty of civil rights.

她鼓励小玉学大法,说这才是人生最好的选择。She encouraged the study Dafa Xiaoyu, said this is the best option in life.

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其治疗的根本大法是补肾培元。Its treatment's basic big law is invigorates the kidney cultivates the Yuan.

对于古往今来的瑜伽大师来说,大法印就是空性。For the master yogis of the past and present, the greatest seal is Emptiness.

不得已天天面对电脑,有简便易行的“护眼大法”吗?Such as we have to face computers everyday, is there any tip to protect eyes?

这是正法时期大法弟子证实法的特殊形式。This is exactly the special form that is adapted for Fa-rectification disciples.

第三章,两大法系国家的不作为犯罪的立法比较。Fourth chapter is the legislation in our criminal law of the offense of omission.

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利他契约对契约相对性原则的突破在两大法系有不同的法理解说。For this there are different explainations in the theory of law in two legal chains.

李洪志及其“法轮大法”尤其敌视唯物论和无神论,视唯物论和无神论如死敌。Li Hongzhi and his "Falun Dafa" was particularly hostile to material and antitheism.

架子上全是本人爱吃的东西,我真想用用“吸食大法”把它们一扫而光。Shelves are all I love to eat, I really want to use "smoking solution" put them away.