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在这里你可以买到各种颜色和款式的木屐鞋。Here you may buy klomps of all colors and sizes.

看一下木屐鞋的生产过程。But let us look at the process of klomps production.

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这家俱乐部有踢踏舞和木屐舞课程。The club offers lessons in Irish dance and clogging.

高跟木屐鞋底是用一块结实的木头做成。Okobo are made of one piece of solid wood forming the sole.

首先看到的是传统木屐鞋的介绍。The first thing to see is an exposition of historic klomps.

接着我们讨论了,她穿着和服和木屐。we talked about she has the kimono, she has the geta shoes.

接着我们讨论了,她穿着和服和木屐。we talked about she has the kimono, she has the geta shoes.

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不过夏天时,舞妓会穿着上了黑漆的高跟木屐。But during the summer, maiko will wear black lacquered Okobo.

他拖着木屐,一件破旧的绿军服垂到膝前。He pulled clogs , a green military uniform worn down to the anterior.

您的伞是放在木屐左边了呢还是右边?I want to know if your umbrella is on the right or left side of the clogs.

在荷兰的12个省份中,每个省都会有一双特别设计的木屐鞋。In each of 12 provinces of the Netherlands there exists a special design of the shoes.

持一把绣白花的绿伞,着谢先生的木屐,幽幽走到古阶尽处。Holding an embroidered white green umbrella, with Mr. Xie clogs, and go to the order at the end of.

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二十世纪60年代,高跟鞋代替木屐成为战后年轻工人阶级女性的象征。It was in the 1960s that stilettos replaced clogs as symbols of post-war young working-class girls.

所有的鞋,包括全部的球鞋、靴子、凉鞋,高跟鞋、木屐、人字拖……我该怎么办啊?All of them, every sneaker, boot and sandal, every high heel and clog, every flip-flop. What do I do?

抗污皮革或专利鞋面很容易清洁和维护,使您的木屐总是好看。Stain-resistant leather or patent uppers are easy to clean and maintain so your clogs always look good.

你穿着木屐,却比传说中穿着天鹅绒厚底靴的女王更加优雅。You wear with more elegance Your wooden clogs than the queen In a romance her sandals Trimmed with velvet.

他们在苗床上留下了许多零零散散的小脚印,尤其是那个穿着木屐的小本杰明。They left a great many odd little footmarks all over the bed, especially little Benjamin, who was wearing clogs.

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在苗床上布满了他们不计其数的一双双奇怪的小脚印,特别是小本杰明的脚印,因为他穿的是木屐。They left a great many odd little foot-marks all over the bed, especially little Benjamin, who was wearing clogs.

像日本高跟木屐一样,高底鞋很不实用,它们最初是用来使穿着者更加引人注目。Like the Japanese Okobo, Chopines were highly impractical, their primary purpose was to make the wearer stand out.

有时日本的渔业漂浮物甚至僧侣的木屐都会被冲上西北太平洋的海岸。To this day Japanese fishing floats andeven monks’ wooden sandals are washed up on the shores of the Pacific Northwest.