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驯鹿是畜力动物。"The reindeer were pack animals, " Francis says.

运河的开掘主要依靠人力和畜力。Using horses and manpower, the canal was dug across the state.

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十九世纪时,收割谷物需要大量的畜力和人力。Harvesting grain in the 19th century required plenty of horsepower and manpower.

粮食作物生产中机械装备替代畜力和人力的趋势十分明显。The trend of machine equipment replacing the animal power and manpower is obvious.

曾经有人尝试将力克驯化成容易驯养的畜力和食物及工业原料来源。There have been attempts to breed reek for simple, easily-domesticated labor and a source of food and materials.

奶牛和公牛主要用于乳品生产,是农业生产中的主要畜力来源。Cows and oxen are primarily used for dairy production and are a key source of draft power in agricultural production.

一些素食者不吃任何肉制品或来自畜力的食品,包括奶制品,鸡蛋,蜂蜜。Some vegetarians do not eat any meat products or any food made from animal labor, including milk products, eggs and honey.

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对于平缓坡的落叶松人工林,拖拉机的集材效率优于畜力的集材效率。For larch plantations on the gentle slope, the operation efficiency of tractor skidding is better than that of animal skidding.

圣佩德罗曾经是畜力时代的大车店,现在已经变成了外国游客的中转站。San Pedro was once a major staging post for the great cattle drives of yore, but is now a staging post on the great gringo trail.

当时的工业和运输依靠畜力,用来种植牲畜饲料的耕地越多,用来为人提供粮食的耕地就越少。The more land that was set aside for feeding draft animals for industry and transport, the less was available for feeding humans.

官牛不仅为宫廷祭祀和宴会提供了肉类,还为农业生产和交通运输提供了畜力。Official cattle not only provided beef for sacrifices and banquets, but also supplied livestock products for agriculture and traffic.

新中国成立前的新疆,人们远行、运物主要借助畜力,现代交通基本空白。Draught animals were the chief means of transport in Xinjiang prior to the founding of New China. There was almost no modern transport.

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畜牧业不仅为全球提供食品,还提供非食用产品、畜力和金融安全,直接有助于提高民生。Livestock contribute directly to livelihoods worldwide, providing not only food, but also non-food products, draught power and financial security.

在认识并使用畜力的同时,在利用动物的乳汁作为营养佳品方面,中国也有了几千年的历史。Since Chinese people got to know and began to harness the animal force several thousand years ago, We had been using the animal milk as nutriment.

农场机械化在发达国家几乎完全取代了人力和畜力,而今正改变着很多发展中地区的农业发展。Farm mechanization has almost entirely replaced human and animal power in developed nations, and is now transforming agriculture in many developing areas.

畜牧还是生产性资产,通过畜力对农业产出直接作出贡献,并且作为将来投资储备的财富间接作出贡献。Livestock are also productive assets, which contribute directly to farm output through animal traction and indirectly as a store of wealth for future investment.

农业机械化是一个用机器装备代替人力、畜力进行农业生产的技术改造和经济发展的过程。Agricultural mechanization replaces manpower and animal force with machines to transform technically the agricultural production and develop agricultural economy.

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巴基斯坦拉瓦尔品第地区的农民从季风季节开始到种麦,平均用拖拉机或畜力犁耕翻8次土壤。Farmers in Rawalpindi District of Pakistan tractor cultivate or animal plough their fields on average8 times from the beginning of the monsoon until wheat planting.

巴基斯坦拉瓦尔品第地区的农民从季风季节开始到种麦,平均用拖拉机或畜力犁耕翻8次土壤。Farmers in Rawalpindi District of Pakistan tractor cultivate or animal plough their fields on average 8 times from the beginning of the monsoon until wheat planting.

火力相比人力和畜力,能提供多得多的能量,但其代价就是释放大量的有毒的污染物进入大气层。Coal power provided much more energy than relying on the strength of humans or animals, at the cost of releasing large amounts of toxic pollution into the atmosphere.