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不提供卧具,所以得自备睡袋。Bedding is not provided, so bring a sleeping bag.

检查被褥。弄净上面的泥土,尽可能保持卧具的干净。Remove soil, and keep the bedding as clean as possible.

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部分茶具上和卧具上检出大肠杆菌。Escherichia coli was checked out in part of tea sets and beddings.

如何清洗狗狗的衣服和卧具也会导致一些问题。What you wash your pups clothing and bedding in may also cause a problem.

房间柜橱、抽屉要打开,卧具、地毯松开。Door of cabin, cupboard, drawer should be opened. Bedding, carpet be loosen.

经理室房间卧具齐全,宜办公宜居住。The Manager's Office room bedding is complete, appropriate office should live.

卧具、淋浴费、洗衣费、网络使用费由留学生自费购买。Bedding, shower fees, laundry fees and internet fees will be paid by the students.

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好。卧铺上有一个床单,还有一个毯子。卧具很干净。Good. There is a sheet and a blanket on the sleeping bed. The bedding is so clean.

只有狗狗的衣服和卧具做到同样干净才能保证狗狗皮肤的清洁。Keeping you pups skin clean only works if your pups bedding and clothes are just as clean.

在主卧室,投资在额外蓬松卧具在旅馆样式的床架上。In the master bedroom, invest in extra fluffy bedding complete with a hotel-style bed tray.

洗漱室,淋浴,空调,电话,宽带网络,家具和卧具。Washing room, shower, air-conditioner, telephone, broadband network, furniture and bedclothes.

枕头有着悠久的历史,它出现以后成为人们日常生活的卧具之一。Pillows have a long history. After have appeared, it has become one of beddings for daily life.

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票价不含卧具,如果事先在订票时额外付一些费用可以提供。Bedding is not included in the fare, but may be available for a small extra charge if booked in advance.

金牛座的宠物喜欢舒适的生活,尤其是精美的食物和卧具,它们是健壮结实、可以信赖的小东西。Taurus pets enjoy the good life especially fine food and bedding, these are sturdy, dependable creatures.

这些公司包括伐木场、木材厂、家具厂、橱柜与卧具制造商等。Industries providing the materials include logging, sawmills , furniture, cabinet and pallet manufacturers.

中国古代家具中卧具形式有四种,即榻、罗汉床、架子床、拔步床。Chinese ancient furniture, bedding in the form of four, that is, the couch, Ocean's bed, bed shelf, Babu bed.

没有松软的卧具而睡在坚硬的地面上,对灵缇而言是不舒适的,这样容易让狗狗患上痛苦的皮肤溃疡。Sleeping on hard surfaces can be uncomfortable, and without soft bedding, Greyhounds are prone to develop painful skin sores.

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其他的原因包括没有换洗喷过杀虫剂的卧具,以及不合理的使用杀虫剂。Other contributors included the failure to wash or change pesticide-treated bedding, as well as the improper use of pesticides.

墙是白的,卧具也是白的,我有一个朝东的大窗户以便太阳升起时我就能得到阳光,地毯铺得很精致。The walls are white, the bedding is white, I have huge windows facing east to get the sun at sunrise, and the floor is nicely carpeted.

艾滋病也不会经马桶圈、电话机、餐饮具、卧具、游泳池或公共浴池等公共设施传播。AIDS will not ring through the toilet, telephone, tableware, bedding, swimming pools or public baths, and other public facilities spread.