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荒诞的无目的性追求。Fantastic aimless is run after.

她给我讲了一些荒诞无稽的故事。She gave me some cock and bull story.

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这本书读起来像部荒诞可笑的讽刺作品。The book read like a black comic burlesque.

她极具荒诞派的幽默感。She has a wonderfully absurd sense of humor.

有时候脑子里竟会想到多么荒诞无稽的话啊!What nonsense does sometimes come into one's mind!

你不在这里是在太甚聪了然,这真是荒诞乖张。It's ridiculous you're way too smart not to be here.

任何荒诞不羁羡煞众生的幻梦。Uninhibited envy of any absurd dreams of living beings.

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相反,这是一种荒诞的推卸责任行为。It is, instead, a grotesque abdication of responsibility.

相似但不荒诞的刺激没有产生同样的效果。Similar but non-absurd stimuli didn’t have the same effect.

是的,索菲娅,我来这里就想缔结一门荒诞的亲事。Yes, here I am, Sophia, quite ready to make a foolish match.

那个故事太荒诞乖张了。没有人会去相信的。That story's pretty far-fetched. Nobody's going to believe it.

阐明荒诞总是件有趣的事,而且我确实经常那样做。The absurd is always fun to point out and I do go there often.

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尤内斯库视死亡为最可怕、最荒诞的事。Ionesco regards death as the most frightening and absurd event.

表面看来,其胆大妄为,且颠覆常理,又荒诞可笑。It is audacious, disruptive and preposterous on the face of it.

库高颁布法令,将当天定为永久的“荒诞日”。Kugel decreed that the day forever would be a day of absurdity.

抗议者的口号“安纳即印度,印度即安纳”是荒诞可笑的。The activists' slogan—“Anna is India, India is Anna”—is absurd.

女老板脱离了荒诞可笑的陈旧观念,越发正常化。Women bosses have escaped ludicrous stereotypes to become normal.

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贝克特是第一个扬名国际的荒诞派作家。Beckett was the first of the absurdists to win international fame.

世界是荒诞的,是他们共同的哲学观。They shared the same philosophical view that the world was absurd.

Gell能提供什么证据来支持他的这个荒诞的假设呢?What evidence does Gell offer up to bolster his outré supposition?