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不要顶撞我。Don't backtalk me.

我没有用爱斯基摩口吻顶撞你。I'm not sassing you in Eskimo talk.

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你怎么敢顶撞你的老板?How dare you conflict with your boss?

这个没经验的人总是顶撞他的老板。The fledgling man always offends his boss.

他在会议上顶撞了经理。He contradicted the manager at the meeting.

“滚开!”巧儿身子顶撞他。"Get away! "The Qiao son body againsts him.

不应该答应任何孩子顶撞。No child should be woulslowed to answer back.

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他固执地顶撞我说,他对此事一无所知。He faced me out that he know nothing about the matter.

孩子们绝对不应顶撞父母。Young children should never contradict what their parents say.

姆潘巴想不通,但又敢顶撞老师。Mu Panba not figure it out, but dare to contradict the teacher.

大厂商并不想过分地与政府发生顶撞。Large firms do not wish to antagonize the federal government unduly.

成绩不好,偶尔也顶撞班长。The result is not good, occasionally contradicts to the class leader.

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“唉,你别问我!我和你们没有共同语言,”她任性地顶撞他道。"Ah, don't ask me! I don't speak your language, " she retorted petulantly.

因为这是一个孩子在顶撞他们,而且说话像大人一样。This was a child, speaking against them, a child tal king like a grown man.

小的孩子就敢顶撞家长,真不成话。It is shocking that such a young child would dare to contradict his parents.

我转过头看了看坐在我身旁的这个老人,想大胆的顶撞他。I turned my head toward the elderly man in the seat beside me, daring me to challenge him.

尊敬老人在我看来就像每天见到我的父母一样自然,我喜欢对陌生的老人微笑,乐意为他们给的小差事奔波,我从没想过要忤逆或顶撞他们。Respect of an elderly person was as natural to me as seeing my mother and father every day.

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你们没有顶撞老师、旷课或辍学的借口。That's no excuse for talking back to your teacher, or cutting class, or dropping out of school.

行为散漫,经常出现顶撞叛逆行为,严重的出现逃学,离家出走,夜不归宿的行为。Desultory, often against rebellion, serious truancy, running away from home, yebuguisu behavior.

耶和华说,你们用话顶撞我,你们还说,我们用什么话顶撞了你呢。You have said harsh things against me," says the LORD. "Yet you ask, 'What have we said against you?'