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撒旦是救世主?Lucifer as Redeemer?

你是真正的救世主。You are the true Messiah.

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你是你自己的救世主。You are your own Messiah.

是什么让乔帮主成了数码救世主?What Makes a Digital Messiah?

选举没有救世主。No saviours are on the ballot.

在你之外没有任何的救世主。There is no Messiah outside of you.

他们都需要一个救助者,一个救世主。They all needed a rescuer, a savior.

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救世主也总是一再受难。The savior is also recurrently crucified.

你很急切的想看看这个世界的救世主?You are eager to behold the world's deliverer?

人们执迷于救世主的概念。People are obsessed with the concept of savior.

他们貌似蛮族,却都是救世主。They seemed barbarians, and they were saviours.

然而那并不会使奥巴马成为新的救世主。But that does not make Mr Obama the new messiah.

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冥冥之中,他注定会成为摇滚乐的救世主。He was somehow destined to become a rock messiah.

所以我们全都成了那个王国新的救世主。在某种程度上。So we all became the land's new saviors. Sort of.

他的笔就是人类和各个民族的救世主。Hhe pen is the great liberator of men and nations.

我们从未想过要做罗丝的救世主。We had never thought of ourselves as Rose’s saviors.

比力格雷厄姆来自救世主福音的讲道法中。Billy Graham comes in preaching the gospel of Christ.

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他说,木星是个救世主,但还是一个大魔头。Jupiter is just as much a menace as a savior, he said.

幸存者们感到有必要把他们的救世主找出来。Survivors of it feel compelled to search out a savior.

救世主以最快的速度睡着,他们等你。And the saviors who are fast asleep, they wait for you.