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这是您的药膏.And here's your ointment.

不要涂抹药膏。Do NOT apply ointments or salves.

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涂上一些防止败血症的药膏。Put some anti-septic cream on it.

这种药膏可以稍微缩短疼痛的时间。It kind of short-circuits the pain.

她将药膏轻抹在疹子上。She dabbed the ointment on the rash.

这药膏对于昆虫蜇伤有效。Thee cream is good for insect bites.

这种药膏能渗入你的皮肤。This ointment can work in your skin.

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不要使用药膏或油布。Do not use ointments or oil dressing.

您的皮肤局部有涂过药膏吗?Have you had any creams or ointments?

这种药膏是用在伤口处。This kind of salve is used on wounds.

制作治疗鸡眼及老茧的药膏Make a poultice for corns and calluses

不要使用乳液、药膏和面霜。Do not use lotions, ointments and creams.

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超级强效类固醇药膏通常好用。Super-potent steroid creams often benefit.

医生给我的伤口敷上药膏。The doctor painted my wound with ointment.

这种药膏保你会好。This ointment should clear up the trouble.

想一想你在干裂的皮肤上涂抹药膏的情形。Think of the creams you put on chapped skin.

不要在眼睛上涂抹药膏或者药物Don't apply ointment or medication to the eye

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请问我应该怎么使用这些眼药水和药膏呢?。How do I use these eye-drops and the ointment?

这是专为止痛用的药膏。贴在痛处,两天换一次。Apply some of the ointment, and rub it into the skin.

医生建议把这种药膏擦到脚上。The doctor suggested rubbing this ointment into your feet.