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资本投资的收益或股分增值。An addition to capital investments or stock from profits.

我们已经分拆了。现有B股,你应该不需要A股分拆了。We already split. With B shares available. You should not count on the split of A shares.

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改制后的股分企业给今天的四菱又一个成熟的基础,更增添了年轻的活力。After the restructuring of the corporate equity to today's four turbot and a mature base, adding more young vitality.

太原重工股分有限公司通过采用后摆式螺旋焊管成型机组,使焊管产能及质量得到大幅提高。The production and quality of welded pipes would be increased by used tail-swinging spiral welded pipe mill at Taizhong.

谷歌收购了中文互联网搜索的领导者----百度的小部分股分,这暗示了它对世界第二大互联网市场的兴趣。the leading Chinese-language Internet search company, indicating its interest in the world's second largest internet market.

如果债务持有人在优先股分红的项目上遭受损失,将会引发一系列“信用事件”,出售掉这些“信用违约互换项目”,银行将面临更巨大的支出。If the debt’s holders suffer losses in a bail-out, triggering a “credit event”, banks that had sold the swaps would face huge payouts.

是一家充满创新活力、精益求精、诚信为本的股分制民营高新技术企业。Is one full of innovation and vitality, excellence, integrity-based system of private high-tech enterprises broader market for equities.

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但究竟上,西方银行应当思量卖出这些股分,分外在其股东现在能够间接购买中海内地银行股票之后。But the reality is that western banks should be considering selling out, particularly since their shareholders can now buy into Chinese banks directly.

谷歌收购了中文互联网搜索的领导者----百度的小部分股分,这暗示了它对世界第二大互联网市场的兴趣。Google buys a minority stake in "Baidu," the leading Chinese-language Internet search company, indicating its interest in the world's second largest internet market.

诺基亚预测尽管在未来的一年,全球手机市场将会增长10个百分点,然而诺基亚自身将会停滞不前,并且境况不佳的诺基亚西门子股分情况将会继续恶化。Nokia also has predicted that while global mobile market will grow 10 percent this year, its own growth will remain flat, and its ailing Nokia Siemens unit continues to see revenue fall.

若两人或两人以上登记为任何股分的联名保有人,则其中任何一人均可签发有效收据,以证明收妥所持股分的股息或其他应付款项。If two or more persons are registered as joint holders of any share, any one of such persons may give effectual receipts for any dividends or for other moneys payable in respect of such share.