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词法部分包括实词和虚词。Morphology comprises notional words and function words.

唱腔中大量运用衬字虚词。Singing in the extensive use of the word form word liner.

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英语冠词是一种虚词,本身不能独立使用。Being a function word, the article can't be used on its own.

英语虚词包括冠词、介词和连词。Empty Words including articles, prepositions and conjunctions.

虚词研究包括介词、助词、连词。The function word includes preposition, auxiliary, conjunction.

墨子对虚词的研究做出了一定的贡献。Mozi has made certain contribution in studying on function word.

英语虚词包括冠词、介词和连词。Empty Words including English word, prepositions and conjunctions.

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相反,在日语里面,冠词等虚词被放在句子末端。Japanese, in contrast, places function words at the ends of phrases.

立法语言虚词使用不规范现象五花八门。The non-standard usage of function words in legislative wording is varied.

比如说,像“the”、“that”和“of”之类的词可以作为虚词。For instance, words like "the, " "that" and "of" can act as function words.

英语连接词作为虚词,一直为学术界所忽视。As function words, English connectives have been ignored by academic circle.

第三章研究胶州话中特殊虚词的用法。The third chapter is the usage of special function words in Jiaozhou Dialect.

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后置词是现代哈萨克语虚词的一种。The post-position word is a kind of function word in the modern Kazakh language.

在这个上下文中,冠词、介词和连词等虚词可能没有用处。In this context, articles, prepositions, conjunctions, and so on might have no role.

“虚词分析法”是在不认识实义字的条件下进行初步句法分析的一种方法。"Function Words Analysis" is a method of parsing without knowing what the lexical words were.

在虚词语法化的过程中,原来实词的意义依然对虚词有很大的影响。During the course, the meanings of substantives still influent the meanings of the empty ones.

正文中的诸如前置词、冠词、代词等虚词词类和稀有词一般不在被选择之列。Function words like prepositions, articles, pronouns and rare words in texts are not to be chosen.

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状态标记“叫”是吴方言中后附于拟声词,使拟声词具有状态词语法功能的一个虚词。Jiao in Wu dialect is a functional word as a marker of state description attached to onomatopoeias.

本书收虚词和固定格式等1030条,是目前收词最多的现代汉语虚词词典。The dictionary includes 1,030 entries of function words and set patterns, listing the top of its kind.

相反,虚词有不同的用法,帮助在对话中提供参考。Function words, on the other hand, vary in their use and help provide reference points in conversations.