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个人所有制。Individual ownership.

所有制是生产关系的基础。Ownership is the basis of productive relationship.

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右边显示的是所有制作好的图标。The right-hand pane is where all the work is done.

他们自己实施的个人所有制。Individuals taking ownership of their own enablement.

土地私有是精绝国土地所有制的主要形式。Land private ownership was dominant in the Jinjue State.

所有制结构进一步调整和完善。The ownership structure was further readjusted and improved.

坚持公有制为主导的所有制结构。Adhere to the ownership structure dominated by public ownership.

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组织的所有制和行业性质存在交互作用。The reciprocation lies in the ownership and professional systems.

有些选择了私人所有制,但华西选择了公有制。Some chose private ownership, but we Huaxi people chose public ownership.

这些原则同样适合那些不同所有制的国内企业吗?Does the principle also apply to domestic enterprise of different ownerships?

法人所有制市场经济是社会主义市场经济的一种新的实现形式。Market ecomony of corporate ownership is a new form of socialist market economy.

森工企业的所有制结构应呈现多元化和多层次的分布形式。Enterprise ownership of forest industry should be arranged in multi-level and diversities.

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马克思“重建个人所有制”的命题被称作“经济学的‘哥德巴赫猜想’”。Marxs concept of "rebuilding individual ownership" has long been neglected or misunderstood.

美国经济的组织方式是个人所有制,合伙制和公司制。The American economy is organized in single-owner businesses, partnerships and corporations.

在多种所有制企业不得整合到特定集团内的情况下,必须找到一种新方法。New method is needed when a multi-owned company must not be consolidated in a specific group.

对马克思“重新建立个人所有制”的思想,我国理论界进行了多年的争论。In China there has been a dispute ower Marx's "rebuilding individual ownership" for many years.

狭义的所有制,专指物质的生产条件的分配。Ownership in narrow sense specifically refers to distribution of material production condition.

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政府逐渐减少对于民事案件的积压,主要包括土地所有制问题。The government is gradually reducing a heavy back log of civil cases, many involving land tenure.

而原因就在于社会主义者一直攻击的个人财产所有制和资本品的交换。And the reason has to do with the socialist attack on the ownership and exchange of capital goods.

所有制是生产关系的基础,它从根本上决定一个国家的社会性质。Ownership system is the sum of productive relations, it determines the social nature of a country.