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表面温度低于露点温度3℃。Surface temperature is 3℃ less than Dew-point.

空气干燥系统可产出达到-50℃露点的空气。Air drying system attained up to -50℃ dew point.

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两个主要形式的露点冷凝器已开发。Two main forms of dew condensers have been developed.

选用冷冻干燥机可作到露点温度-23℃。A. choose freezing dryer can make temperature-23 ℃ dew point.

它是一种准确、可靠的露点测量仪器。It is an accurate and reliable instrument for dew-point testing.

降低压缩空气露点,使设备的效率更高。Lowers compressed air dewpoints for better equipment efficiency.

经降温后的空气压力露点最低可达2℃。Cooling after the air pressure dew point is the minimum to 2 degrees.

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露点胳膊出来将使你看起来苗条修长。Showing the arm a little bit is going to make you look taller and leaner.

温度接近露点和水汽在树干上升起。The temperature was near the dew point and steam was rising off its body.

采用日本西部技研除湿轮,露点稳定。Apply west Japan technology in dehumidifying wheel, dew Points are stable.

采用露点仪法和重量法对乙炔和氯化氢混合气中的水分进行测定。By measuring the dew-point of air, we can obtain the relative humidity of the air.

为了确保不达到露点,温度调整是必要的。This temperature adjustment is necessary to ensure that the dewpoint is not reached.

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压力降低到露点以下时凝析气会发生相态变化。When the pressure of condensate gas falls to dew point below, its phase will change.

干燥器的工况决定了压力凝露点,而非用其调节流量。The operation condition of the dryer to any pressure points, not with the control flow.

露点蒸发淡化技术是一种新的苦咸水和海水淡化方法。Desalination by dewvaporation process is a novel brackish and seawater desalination method.

因此当确定干燥器的凝露点时,应当将其转换成压力凝露点。So when sure dryer shall, when the condensation point, converts it into any pressure point.

装置适合于各类露点仪和水分分析仪器的计量校正。The apparatus is suitable for calibrating dew point meters and moisture analysis instrument.

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特殊配置,先进的全自动露点仪控制运行系统。Special configuration, and advanced control and operation system of automatic dew instrument.

氯化锂露点湿度计较其它型式的湿度计,有很多优点。The lithium chloride dew-point hygrometer has many advantages over other types of hygrometer.

当露点蒸发淡化系统采用充分的热量回收措施时,其造水比可达到6以上。The gained output ratio of the system could be over 6 with due heat recovery measures applied.