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短少按照有关条款处理。Shortage to be settled as per relevant clause.

我们发现每箱重量都短少。We find that the case shows a shortage in weight.

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我们发现每箱重量都短少。We found that the case show a shortage in weight.

资金的需要额数还短少一百英镑。The fund wants a hundred pounds of the sum needed.

在西欧,他们不懂得「短少」的意思。In Western Europe, they did not know what "shortage" meant.

在火星上,氩36相对于氩38的比率也有类似的短少情形。On Mars, argon 36 is similarly depleted relative to argon 38.

人为妇人所生,日子短少,多有患难。Man that is born of a woman is of few days, and full of trouble.

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货物可能在运输途中受到损坏或者重量短少。The goods may be spoiled or the weight gets short during transit.

经检查,我方发现每箱重量都短少。Upon inspection, we found some cases were broken due to poor packing.

我们将开具汇票向你方索取短少的金额,该金额太小,不值得发电报要求修改。We will draw on you for the shortage, which is too small to justify faxing for amendment.

想当然耳,印度现在就可以将日渐短少的国产铀料转向军事用途。Inevitably India will now be able to direct more of its scarcer domestic uranium to its military needs.

到货净重短少,系原发货重量不足所致。The shortage in net weight of delivered cargo was due to insufficiency of originally dispatched weight.

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例如短少钙元素,将会招致继发性甲状旁腺功用亢进症。A deficiency of dietary calcium, for instance, causes a condition known as secondary hyperparathyroidism.

标牌后面的装饰板,是放置、装置标牌不行短少的组成部分。它能使标牌愈加完美。Decorative plate behind a sign, is part of the indispensable device, placing signs. It can make signs even more perfect.

自己国地电子商务行业曾经拉开序幕,而现在短少地是这方面地人才,自己但愿能够在这个行业中有所作为。China's e-commerce industry has started, and currently lack is this talent, I hope I can make a difference in the industry.

研讨测试了经过基因改造从而对短少睡眠特别敏感的果蝇受饿后的反响。The study examined the effects of starvation on fruit flies that had been genetically engineered to be sensitive to sleep deprivation.

大便气腥臭,饮食减少,口中无味,不烦不渴,或喜热饮,小便清长或短少。Stool is hard or constipated , or with foul smell, does not like to eat, dry mouth, thirsty and wants to drink, urine is short and dark.

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还,作为一栽种物性雌激素,大豆中的异黄酮素还具抗氧化才能,是维持光泽细嫩皮肤不成短少的食物。Also, as a plant estrogen, soybean isoflavone in also has antioxidant ability, is indispensable to maintain luster and delicate skin food.

对他说,仆人权下的兵已经计算总数,并不短少一人。And they said unto Moses, Thy servants have taken the sum of the men of war which are under our charge, and there lacketh not one man of us.

随后,承包商应对其进行目视检查,并将这些材料的短少、缺陷或缺项迅速通知雇主。The Contractor shall then visually inspect them, and shall promptly give notice to the Employer of any shortage, defect or default in these materials.