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肋膜积液细菌培养呈现克雷白氏肺炎菌的感染。Culture of the pleural fluid grew Klebsiella pneumoniae.

而肋膜积水则和白蛋白、SGOT、胆红素皆无关连。The pleural effusion was not related to albumin, SGOT or bilirubin.

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异位性胸腺瘤是罕见的肿瘤,特别是源自于肋膜腔。Ectopic thymoma is rare, especially when it arises in the pleural cavity.

我们成功地实施了胸腔镜裂缝直接修补及肋膜沾黏手术。VATS with direct suture of the flaw and pleurodesis were performed successfully.

我们要报告一例以腹部肿瘤表现并单侧肋膜转移。We report a case pre-senting as abdominal masses with unilateral pleural seeding.

常见的表现包括有胸痛、呼吸困难、及肋膜积水。The most common symptoms include dyspnea, chest pain, and unilateral pleural effusion.

肋膜腔单发性纤维瘤是一种间叶细胞起源的肋膜肿瘤。Solitary fibrous tumor of the pleura is a mesenchymal neoplasm that involves the pleura.

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胸部影像及胸腔超音波呈现左侧大量肋膜积水。A chest x-ray revealed opacity of the left hemithorax suggesting massive pleural effusion.

在肺脓疡,经皮引流可导致肋膜转移,并可能脓胸。In lung abscess, percutaneous drainage can result in pleural seeding and possibly empyema.

在胸管肋膜积液引流以及抗生素治疗后,病患状况稳定改善。The patient's condition improved after tube thoracostomy drainage and antibiotic treatment.

对于肋膜或肺部的髓外造血所引起的症状,放射治疗为一可考虑的治疗方式。Low-dose radiation can be considered for the palliative treatment of pleural and pulmonary EMH.

几乎从胸腺肿瘤转移来的病灶都会侵入邻近的器官或沿著肋膜或心包膜散布。Almost all metastatic lesions from thymomas invade adjacent organs or spread along the pleura or pericardium.

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其中一例在日本用OK-432作肋膜沾粘术后,成功治疗肺癌合并乳糜胸水。In the first one, which was published in Japan, the physicians announced a successful treatment using OK-432.

对于肋膜积液的病人而言,肋膜积液穿放术是常用的诊断及治疗方式。Thoracocentesis is a commonly employed diagnostic and therapeutic procedure in patients with pleural effusion.

在病生理机转上,多导因于肺部肋膜表面的气泡破裂所致。Rupture of bullae or blebs on the visceral pleural surface is regarded to result in pneumothorax in this patient.

肋骨发炎的病灶往往来自外界创伤或因肋骨下肺实质感染或肋膜腔感染而次发性发炎。Rib infection is often secondary to trauma or from the direct spread of infection from the underlying lung or pleura.

肝硬化的病人发生肋膜隐球菌症并不常见,如何适当的予以早期诊断是个相当重要但不容易的课题。In summary, early diagnosis of cryptococcal pleural effusion in cirrhotic patients is still a challenge in clinical practice.

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台湾肺外结核侵犯的位置以肋膜最为常见,而皮肤结核约佔肺外结核不到百分之一。Pleura is the most invaded site by extrapulmonary tuberculosis, among which cutaneous tuberculosis is only less than one percent.

治疗肝性肋膜积水是临床的一大挑战,因为肋膜积水是肝脏硬化后常见的并发症之一。Treatment of hepatic hydrothorax is a clinical challenge, and pleural effusion is a common complication in patients with liver cirrhosis.

其本次住院之胸腔X光片显示出左下叶肺炎并有左侧肋膜积水、肺水肿及心廓扩大。A chest radiograph performed upon admission revealed left lower lobe pneumonia with left-side pleural effusion, pulmonary edema, and cardiomegaly.