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贫困与疾病密不可分。Disadvantage and disease go together.

农夫和苦工,与土地密不可分。Tillers and toilers, bound to the land.

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我们生来就是与我们的造物者密不可分。We were made to be connected to our Creator.

而阅读又与图式理论密不可分。And reading and schema theory and inseparable.

幸福与道德责任密不可分。Happiness and moral duty are inseparably connected.

“外延”与“内含”往往是密不可分的。"Denotative " with " embedded " often be inseparable.

健康和美丽是相辅相成,密不可分的。Health and beauty cannot be separated from each other.

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原始时期的音乐和舞蹈密不可分。Primitive music was inseparably connected with dancing.

做豆腐的各个环节都和水密不可分。Water is a necessity in every procedure of making tofu.

“比”、“兴”与意象创造有着密不可分的关系。Bi and Xing is closely related with the creation of imago.

食物是与浪漫密不可分。By Meaghan Cameron Food is inextricably bound with romance.

在某些方面,成功和你的一个承诺是密不可分的。In some ways, success ties you down to a single commitment.

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这一重大进展与吴生文密不可分。Significant progress in the text closely linked with the Wu.

一方面,我认为艺术和政治是密不可分的。On the one hand, I believe that art is inescapably political.

所以分类回收是密不可分的。Therefore, classification and recycling can not be seperated.

接下来的三年里,爸爸和夏延变得密不可分。Dad and Cheyenne were inseparable throughout the next three years.

高高在上的天空与,下面的世界确实密不可分。The sky, the world above, is really bound up with the world below.

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声乐艺术与人体生理学和心理学是密不可分的。Vocal music is closely related to human physiology and psychology.

我的一切,都和对我的评价密不可分"Everything with me depends upon the estimation in which I am held."

对他而言,道义和政治统一是密不可分的。For Confucius, morality and political unity were natural bedfellows.