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事实上,贝德格勒特对主人亦步亦趋。In fact, Beddgelert would follow his master's every move.

这些企业不再满足于亦步亦趋。These companies are no longer content to be mere followers.

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而且这种不适感如影随形,与我们每个人亦步亦趋。And this kind of uncomfortableness associates and follows everyone of us closely.

俄罗斯民族主义的自相矛盾之处在于,其爱国热情都亦步亦趋地遵循着美国模式。The paradox of Russia’s nationalism is that its patriotic zeal closely follows the American model.

他正是在这生活的日用常行之间亦步亦趋,成就着他自己的内圣人格。In this sense, Liu Dapeng's life accomplishes not only his own personality but our present research.

他爱欣赏、爱研究名家的画,但从不不亦步亦趋,食古不化。He is it appreciate , is it study picture of classic to love to like, ape sedulously never, pedantic.

亦步亦趋地沿袭传统工业化战略的老路只会拉大同发达地区的差距。Following traditional industrialized strategy will increase the gap between developed areas and our province.

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塞缪尔开始用手在墙壁上朝前一点点移动,两只脚亦步亦趋滑行着,像背负一身重担。Samuel walks his hands forward on the wall and then slides each foot, weighted like lead, along the floorboard.

此外,美国人确实会走极端,要么咄咄逼人地大肆渲染其文学,要么进行着同样不幸的亦步亦趋式的顶礼膜拜。And Americans do swing from aggressive overphrase of their literature to an equally unfortunate, imitative deference.

乔治·布什非但未能带领我们朝着新地平线前进,相反,他使我们陷入了困境,约翰·麦凯恩的政策将亦步亦趋。Instead of reaching for new horizons, George Bush has put us in a hole, and John McCain’s policies will keep us there.

但长期以来许多学生都习惯于跟定老师亦步亦趋,不习惯于自己游泳。But for a long time, students are accustomed to following their teachers' suit and not used to doing what they wish to.

近几周来,欧元已然成为10大发达国家风险指标的代言人,其走势与股市亦步亦趋.In recent weeks, the euro has become a proxy for risk in the Group of 10 developed world, moving in tandem with stocks.

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等两个喇嘛过去了,那二人快步走进东殿,李不俗亦步亦趋地也跟了过去。After the two lamas had passed, the two men quickly walked into the East Hall. Li Busu followed them every step of the way.

尽管如此,虽然他可能确实实力非凡,但乔布斯真的就当之无愧其粉丝们以及亦步亦趋的媒体的歌功颂德吗?But able though he may have been, did Steve Jobs really deserve the kind of veneration he has received from his fans and a fawning media?

如果人民币升值鼓励其他亚洲经济体亦步亦趋,对美国贸易逆差的影响将会较大,但仍然是适中的。If a yuan revaluation encouraged other Asian economies to follow suit, the impact on America's trade deficit would be larger, but still modest.

纽约亦步亦趋地跟从着欧洲现代主义者的功能美学,城市很快就被亮闪闪的由玻璃和钢搭建成的国际风格的写字楼占领了。As New York adopted European Modernism’s functional aesthetic, the city came to be dominated by sleek glass-and-steel International Style office buildings.

上周的升息也许是中国的自主行动,但实际上人民币与美元亦步亦趋仍限制其政策的脱钩.China may have gone its own way with last week's interest rate rise, but the fact is that the yuan's tethering to the dollar still limits its policy decoupling.

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钱穆最反感的就是在中国史学研究中对西方亦步亦趋,邯郸学步,把西方的现成名词硬装进中国。Qian is the most offensive of historical research in China, the West picked up the pace, Handan toddler, to the West the term off-the-shelf hardware into China.

但张志峰认为,中国人不能亦步亦趋于西方人后尘,在婚礼服的流行色徘徊在黑、白、两色上。But Zhang Zhifeng thinks, chinese cannot blindly follow sb at Hesperian follow, the fashion colour that takes in wedding wanders in black, white, dichromatic on.

除了那些最愚钝的市场观察人士,几乎所有人都注意到了近来标准普尔500股票指数和美元指数之间亦步亦趋的逆相关关系。Except for the most obtuse of market watchers, pretty much everyone has remarked on the recent lockstep inverse correlation seen between the S&P 500-stock index.