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向上达到天庭!Upward to heaven!

好好学习,天天天向上!Hard study Day day up!

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躯干保持向上。Keep your torso upright.

长春藤有攀缘向上的习性。Ivy has a climbing habit.

这条路向上倾斜。The road inclines upward.

烟向上缭绕。The smoke wreathed upward.

他们走了向上的路。They took the upward path.

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华总,好好学习,天天向上!Good good study day day up!

好好学习,天天向上!Good good study,day day up!

好好睡觉,天天向上!Good good sleep, day day up!

他用力向上推那个箱子。He pushed hard up on the box.

攀缘植物怎样向上攀爬?How do climbing plants climb?

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一个引体向上也做不了吗,法利?Not even one pull-up farl ey?

风筝要以机头向上的姿态结束动作。The kite should exit nose-up.

天天向上提议搞张翰次野餐。He suggested an open-air meal.

首先放入一个自旋向上的。I put in the first one spin-up.

皮布尔斯先生向上望了望。Mr. Peebles took a look upward.

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葡萄繦沿墙壁向上生长。The grapevine climbed the wall.

扬起眉毛,上嘴唇向上撅起。lifted brows, upper lip lifted.

恏恏学习天天向上!!!Good Good Study Day Day Up ! ! !