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子弟书作家运用多种方式化长为短,对原著进行不同程度的改编。The writers of Zidishu used many ways to change long novel into a short one.

这其中,在北方影响最大、成就最高的当数子弟书。Affects in the north is biggest, the achievement highest works as the number juniors book.

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本文从艺术特色、篇幅、题材和功能几方面对子弟书进行了分析。This paper makes an analysis on its artistic peculiarities, length, subject matter and function, etc.

子弟书因为创作者、表演者、欣赏者都是八旗子弟而得名。The Youth Book got its name because its most authors, performers and audience are the Eight Flag Youth.

子弟书是满族八旗入关后创制的说唱艺术,清乾隆至光绪年间,在北京曾盛极一时。Zidishu, a kind of folk art, was famous and popular in Beijing between Qianlong and Guangxu periods in Qing dynasty.

八角鼓、岔曲,因为都出自八旗子弟之手,在八旗子弟之间流传,常常被人和子弟书混为一谈。Bajiaogu and Chaqu are also created by the Eight Flag Youth and popular among them. Therefore, they are often confused with the Youth Book.

早在清末,“子弟书”这种辉煌的曲艺就已湮没无闻,无人再会演唱。As early as at the end of the Qing, "the juniors book"this kind of magnificent acrobatics has fallen into oblivion, nobody see you again sings.

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本文对升官图与子弟书这两种满汉双语民间叙事诗的特点和类型进行了分析介绍。The paper analyzed and introduced the characteristics and types of these two kinds of folk narrative poem in Bi-language of Manchu and Chinese.

最后,客观而全面地分析了红楼梦子弟书的贡献及它对当代红楼曲艺发展的影响。Have analysed A Dream in Red Mansions Zidishu contribution and the effect that it develops to the present age red tower Chinese folk rap art final , objective but all-round.

其次,分别从人物论、艺术论两个方面深入探讨红楼梦子弟书的文本特征。The secondly , respectively secondary personage comments on , art goes deep into in terms of two aspect the version characteristic discussing the A Dream in Red Mansions Zidishu.

当代红楼梦曲艺在曲目内容、艺术境界等方面对子弟书都有所继承又有所创新与提升。The present age A Dream in Red Mansions Chinese folk rap art is innovative and is advanced to some extent in the respect of bend eye content , art realm etc. to what Zidishu It both inherits.

红楼梦曲艺在当今的蓬勃发展离不开对子弟书的吸收与借鉴,是红楼梦子弟书的生命延续。That A Dream in Red Mansions Chinese folk rap art vigorous on the nowadays the sorption being too busy to get away to Zidishu and draws lessons, is that A Dream in Red Mansions Zidishu life lasts.