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书面文化的主要传播方式是著书立说。Written cultural transmission was mainly writing books.

此外,他还著书立说,积极宣扬西方文化。What's more, wrote books to advocate the western culture.

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著书立说是学者们形成自己理论体系的一个表现形式。Writing books is a form signifying the establishment of a scholar's own theoretical system.

诉之于此类辩论,很多人都著书立说反对唯物主义。Ok, there were dozens of people writing against materialism by appeal to this sort of argument.

这次,奥巴马成为美国历史上第一位为儿童“著书立说”的在任总统。This time, Barack Obama, a first in U. S. history for children, "write books" in the president.

刘表是荆州学派的创建者,他不仅亲自给州学的众多儒生上课讲学,而且著书立说,写下不少著作。Liu Biao is the creator of Jingzhou School, while he gave some lessons to the students, he wrote many books.

她在全国各地巡回演说,她著书立说,还拍摄了一部以她人生为题材的电影。She spoke to many groups around the country. She wrote several books. And she made one movie based on her life.

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结合实践介绍了医学美术工作者在一个需要著书立说和对外交流的临床科室,有很多工作可做。Medical fine arts workers have a lot of work to do in the clinical department which requires publications and exchanges.

为了下一代能够学会这些武术,他近来花了许多时间著书立说。So that the coming generation can learn the martial arts, he has recently devoted much time to writing books on the subject.

自从冷战以来,关于两党之间的政治隔阂,以及双方在外交政策上日益下降的共识,已经有许多人为此著书立说。Much has been written about party polarization and the decline of the bipartisan foreign policy consensus since the Cold War.

确实,世界上有很多事是无止境的,例如著书立说、旅行、试验、获取财富等。There is no end, indeed, to making books or experiments, or to travel, or to gathering wealth. Problem gives rise to problem.

人们为其著书立说,上下游说,对其相当重视,食品行业则甚为忧虑People write about it, they lobby about it, they care a lot about it, the food industry spends a lot of time worrying about it.

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她周游全国,不断地举行讲座。她的事迹为许多人著书立说而且还上演了关于她的生平的戏剧和电影。She toured the country, giving lecture after lecture. Many books were written about her and several plays and films were made about her life.

这些人面向新旧两个世界的读者,大量著书立说,使新英格兰呈现一派严谨的学术氛围。There men wrote and published extensively, reaching both New World and Old World audiences, and giving New England an atmosphere of intellectual earnestness.

毫无疑问,老李将继续开办医院,打断公开辩论,著书立说,如他所述的所有探讨话题,就是要走新加坡道路。He will doubtless continue to open hospitals, intervene in public debates and write more books, all in his stated quest to keep Singapore on the straight and narrow.

目前更有一大批国内外知名的专业人士学者在此潜心耕耘,著书立说,培育后学。There are now more a large number of domestic and foreign famous experts and scholars in thellos textbook cultivated, writing books on the subject, foster deconstruction.

近些年,文化研究渐成热点,许多专家学者纷纷著书立说,投入到文化研究领域。The recent years, the cultural research gradually becomes the hot spot, many experts write a book and establish a theory in abundance, invest into the culture research area.

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如果你学会了如何谱写自己的人生,那么你一点也不比著书立说甚至攻城掠地者逊色。If you have know how to compose your life, you have done a great deal more than the person who knows how to compose a book. You have done more than the one who has taken cities and empires.