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她关闭了自来水的干管。She turned the water off at the mains.

干管移动是由于水锤撞击的缘故,也有一部分是由于水流在管道中流动引起的。The movement in piping mains is caused by shock and partially by the flow of water through the mains.

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结合实例,分析了系统中管井内供回水干管、管的布置。The configuration of supply and return water main and riser in the pipe well of the system is analyzed.

介绍昆明市南郊污水干管管线施工时泥炭质软土产生的问题,分析其原因。The cause of occurrence of trouble in the treatment of marly soft clay for sewage main pipe is analysed.

此次设计的是一种新型的恒压喷灌控制器,它是对喷灌系统分干管末端进行控制。The new constant pressure controller designed in this paper controls the terminals of branch irrigation system.

此外,干管中采用低流速还有利于系统的水力工况稳定性。In addition, the use of low flow rate in the dry pipe is also conducive to the stability of the hydraulic system.

法比安仍然是源代码库干管的提交者,并保证代码的质量。Fabien is still the main committer in the trunk of the source code repository, and guarantees the quality of the code.

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这些街道污水管又相结一条污水支管。此支管与次干管连接,然后经主干管将污水送至污水处理厂。Several of these flow into a branch sewer, which joins first a sub-main and then a main sewer taking it to the treatment plant.

阐述汕头市龙湖沟整治中截污干管的基坑支护设计。The paper states the design of the trestle protection of foundation pit of intercepting trunk in Longhugou regulation in Santou City.

小清河北岸污水干管工程是济南市污水收集系统的分项工程,施工中采用了高压射水沉井及泥水平衡顶管等先进施工工艺。The project of sewage main pipes in north bank of the Xiaoqing River is a subsidiary engineering of sewage collection system of Jinan City.

针对老城区内河岸上敷设污水截流干管存在困难的特点,提出河床下敷设截流干管的设计方案及相应的技术措施。An innovative design in which intercepting main sewers are laid under streambed of a river in an old city is presented with a set of technical measures.

输水钢管尤其是大口径输水干管,内喷涂水泥砂浆是目前防腐效果最佳的先进技术。An up to date technology of cement mortar spraying of steel pipe inner wall for corrosion protection of water transport system is introduced in this paper.

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所提出的方法,不仅能得出一个优化的干管管网,而且还能确定出所需水泵扬程及流量,并确定水泵型号。By using this method presented in this paper, not only the optimum design of main pipe net was given, but the water head and flow and pump type were decided.

指出设计中应尽量减小立管干管的阻力,水平支管上慎用或少用自力式平衡阀。It's necessary to decrease the resistance of vertical main-pipe as much as possible, and carefully use or not use self-balancing valve on horizontal branch-pipe.

结合深圳市龙岗河流截污干管系统的施工,介绍顶管法的主要技术措施和施工应注意的问题。Combining Shenzhen municipal Longgang River sewage pipe system construction, this paper introduces main technical measures and matters of concern during construction.

应用上述模型,可进行机压管道式喷灌系统配水干管管网的优化计算,可确定水泵最优扬程及干管各管段尺寸最优值,以使干管管网系统年费用值达最小。With the model, the design of sprinkler pipeline network can be optimized, the optimal lift head and pipe size were determined, and the annual operational cost was minimized.